Tempted~Chapter 39.

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Destiny's P.O.V.

I smiled feeling a tickling sensation at the tip of my nose. My eyes fluttered open and adjusted to the baby blue sky up above. I arose from the ground and took in my surroundings. I was in a meadow surounded by white flowers near me was a pond so blue and clear the bottom seemed almost translucent. Everything around seemed to be... glowing.

It was a strange sight no doubt about it but it made me feel so calm and relaxed, like all my worries had been washed away with a snap of a finger. I felt so calm and at peace, I sighed in content taking everything in.

My eyes landed on a figure a couple feet away laying on the lucious green grass. I stood up noticing the way the white flowy dress I had on moved, like a breeze was going through it. Yet, there was no breeze.

I slowly walked toward the figure my bare feet feeling the soft grass underneath every step. A wave of happiness ran through me when I saw the person I loved the most laying there on the ground.


He looked so peaceful. I gently caressed his cheek feeling a bit of stubble. I ran my hand through his hair never truly realizing how breathtaking he was.

He had imperfections like the bags on his eyes, the small wrinkles on his forehead from all the worrying, and the small facial hairs that were starting to grow. He was after all half human he wasn't perfect, but that's what I loved about him.

I didn't love him for being an alpha or because he was perfect, he wasn't. I loved him for being himself, for being the same person I met that first day in the bonfire, for not changing who he was to try and impress me, for always being real and for putting who he loves and cares for in front of himself. Not even caring about his own health.

He has his flaws but so does everyone else, including myself.

Ryder began to stir moments later he opened his light baby blue eyes. I smiled being able to get lost in them. I could see the love and affection every time I stared into them.

"Princess?" Ryder's voice was smooth and genlte sending shivers down my spine.

I smiled a big cheesy smile and took hold of his hand tangling our fingers together. "Yeah?"

"You look so breathtakingly beautiful." He had the biggest grin on his face, his features had soften immensely since he awoken. All the worries and his pain seemed gone completely forgotten like it was never there to begin with.

He looked so happy and and carefree it made me so happy. I understand he has a lot of duties as a future alpha but he needed time to relax once in a while, and being as stubborn as he is of course he wouldn't do as said.

My heart melted at the sight, "Thanks." I blushed staring straight into his eyes. "You don't look too bad yourself."

"Aww aren't they just adorable together, just the perfect couple wouldn't you agree dear?"

I turned around slightly startled, I never noticed anyone else was here. Why hadn't I noticed?

"Hmmm." Was the only response the man standing beside the woman said.

The man seemed to be in his thirties or so with black hair as dark as night with no gray hair in sight. He had a beard the same color and his features were soft with hints of wrinkles along his eyes and smile. There was nothing threatening about him yet, Ryder being Ryder cautiously placed me behind him.

The woman on the other hand was gorgeous. Her deep green/blue eyes were breathtaking making it almost impossible not to stare. Her hair was a light brown color and her features were amazing there was no wrinkles, no beauty marks, no marks whatsoever. She was the true definition of natural beauty.

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