Tempted~ Chapter 14.

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Ryder P.O.V.

After a week of searching for Destiny we finally found a clue as to where she was and who those bastards that took her were. All the leads and clues pointed to the Dark Shadow pack, the same pack that's been mistreating there members for years.

There alpha was Alester he was a ruthless man who didn't care about anyone or anything, he would kill anyone in a second and have no regrets about it. He didn't care who they were not even if it was someone from his own pack, if you made a mistake you paid the price no matter how big or small that mistake was.

Just last month his son Clinton took over the pack, it was a surprising news for everyone. No one actually thought Alester would step down but apparently he did so without even a second thought about it. Yet there was still something odd about it, why would a cruel sick bastard like himself just give up all the power and authority without thinking? Was he planning something or did he just wish to retire?

It made no sense at all and it bugged me to no end! If it's really them who has Desty then who's plan was it to take her, Clinton or his father!?!

I've ran different possible theories in my head and still I can't add it up. Why would they have Desty? Why would they possibly want with my mate? And who's responsible for this?!?

I don't care how ruthless Alester or his son may be but if they think they can mess with my mate and think they can get away with it I'm just going to have to show them what a terrible mistake they made!

"Son everyone's ready and positioned, we've surrounded the entire area. No one will get in or out, it's time to attack." Dad spoke through our mind link.

Currently we were positioned outside of the Dark Shadow pack with our top fighters and warriors, I was going to do everything in my power to bring her back and that's exactly what I was doing!

We still weren't a hundred percent sure the Dark Shadow pack were the ones that took Destiny, but I was taking no chances and if it meant taking down one suspect at a time that's just what we were going to do until I found my beautiful mate!

"Son on your signal and we'll attack." Dad spoke calmly breaking me out of my thoughts.

I was glad dad was by my side I couldn't have chosen any better partner or alpha. He was straight headed and calm throughout the agonizing week trying to find Desty. He would keep me in check the times I would want to just raid everything nearby, the thought of having Destiny no where near me killed me inside!

I needed her so bad, I miss seeing her precious smile that lit up a whole room, how her scent was the sweetest vanilla so unique and just made my wolf go crazy! How she'd pout whenever I would take her food was just adorable, and her laugh...her laugh was the melodious and sweetest laugh I'd ever heard.

I missed my beautiful angel so much!

I was going to get her back, no matter the price. "Time to kill!" I growled through everyone's mind link's.

After my order all you could hear was the pounding of our paws against the ground, and the growls all around the Dark Shadow territory. By the time they realized what was going on it would be too late, they would be unprepared and easy to kill.

I hated fighting this way, I would like my enemy to be prepared and have a chance to fight back. They gave me no choice, this was there alpha's fault!

I was letting my rage guide me through the battlefield, by now the Dark Shadow pack had realized what was going on and come out to fight. Many children and woman were running around trying to get away from us it made me feel guilty but that thought quickly erased when I thought about all the possible things they could have done to my mate by now!

A surge of energy spread through me and I pushed my wolf to go faster. I ran past the wolves fighting and jumped over the dead ones who never stood a chance. I continued running wanting to get to my destination as fast as possible, every now and then I would be stopped by wolves but would quickly tear them apart and continue running.

I pushed myself even more once I spotted the door to the pack house, I rammed the door down with all my might and it flew roughly across the room slamming against the wall making a loud impact and landing on the ground.

I didn't stop there, I continued to run inside destroying anyone or anything that got in my path. I followed the most powerful scent I could find until it lead me to a big wooden door. I once again used all my might and took the door down along with all it's hinges. Inside greeted me a surprised and scared looking Clinton, he apparently seemed to be unaware of the battle going on outside.

Clinton looked about the same from the last time I saw him, his hair was still a dull orange color, his skin was still the same pale complexion with freckles that seemed to pop out even more. What changed was his built, he seemed larger than when I had last seen him.

He was sitting down behind a mahogany desk looking at what seemed to be files, in reality who knew what they actually were. Without a second thought I lunged at Clinton and tackled him to the ground, just as he shifted into this light brown orange large wolf.

He may be big to any ordinary wolf but my wolf was still bigger by a long run, I could kill him in a second if I wished too and the thought seemed more appealing this second.

"Son stop!" Dad spoke through our link.

I ignored him and continued to bite and claw Clinton, I managed to bite deep into his shoulder blade receiving a yelp from Clinton. I felt satisfied but that wasn't enough I need him to suffer, I wanted him to suffer!

As I was about to dig in and bite the side of chest I felt someone or something tackle me from the side knocking me into a shelf and the wind out of me in process. I quickly recovered and got up ready to attack my attacker, when I noticed it was a huge gray and black wolf.

I growled shaking my head confused, why in the world would my own father tackle me?

"Sorry son, it was the only way you wouldn't listen to me and I didn't want to use my alpha tone I know how much you hate it when I do that."

"So you tackled me?!?" I growled irritated.

"Yes!" Was his only response and I swear if he was human he would be smirking right now!

"That's not the point." Dad walked calmly behind a shelf and came out in human form wearing a pair of shorts.

He walked over to me and handed me a pair of basketball shorts."Shift." he commanded. I walked behind a bookshelf and shifted putting on the shorts. I walked out to find dad standing next to a now human Clinton with a big gash on his right shoulder and blood pouring out.

"Why are you here?" Clinton asked with fear and pain evident on his face.

"WHY I'M HERE? I'M HERE TO GET MY MATE BACK! I WANT HER NOW!" I growled trying to hold back my anger and my already pissed off wolf.

"Y-your mate?" Clinton looked afraid then confused, at this point I realized she wasn't here...they didn't have her..

After a while Clinton seemed to have finally found his voice. "I don't have your mate? Why would I? I don't even know how she looks like!"

My heart seemed to have broken in half and shattered into pieces when my thoughts were right, she wasn't here. I turned to dad who gave me a sympathetic look.

I was wrong my mate wasn't here she never was, she could be dead by now bruised beaten and left to die. I felt all my energy and anger dry out replaced with sadness, sorrow, pain, and grief.

I dropped down on my knees and buried my head in my hands. The tears started to fall and I couldn't hold it back any longer, I let everything go and just cried.

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