Tempted~ Chapter 2.

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Ryder P.O.V.

I couldn't believe after years of waiting I had finally found my mate.

After hearing all those stories from my parents, friends and family members about meeting your mate I never thought the feeling would feel so,  I couldn't even describe the feeling it felt so amazing I felt complete.

I felt like life could hit me with anything it had and I would be okay as long as my mate was by my side.

But I also never imagined my mate being my cousin, how could this have happened!

How is it even possible for mates to be related that has to be like some kind of law?

I've never heard of mates being related so why did it have to happen to me I mean could we even be together?

After snapping out of my trance and feeling like a complete idiot in front of my mate/cousin. I showed her around and introduced her to all the pack members and family.

Everyone seemed to instantly like her, I couldn't help but feel proud of my mate everyone loved her and her personality.

She was fun to be around with and very caring and the children all adored her, she was going to make a great mother some day but I just hope I got to be the father of those wonderful children.

"What do you think about that Ryder?"I snapped out of my thoughts to look at Jason with a confused expression.

"What do I think about what?" I was seated with a few of my friends from the pack while everyone of there mates was with Destiny trying to make her feel welcomed.

I couldn't help but admire my mate. The way the wind made her hair fly making her look like an angel sent from heaven.

"With the Idea of Ethan here wanting to ask out your cousin on a date?"


There was no way in hell he was getting anywhere near my mate!

I felt anger start to boil up inside me and there wasn't anything I could to calm it down. I needed to leave soon before my wolf came out and ripped his head off, I was so pissed I didn't feel myself calming down anytime soon.

"Lets go for a run NOW!" I ordered using my alpha tone.

Everyone of the pack members seemed a little taken back by my sudden urge to leave, but I couldn't keep it from them any longer. I needed help with this and I also needed them to know to stay away from my mate. I didn't care if she was related to me or not she was still mine and no one was going to take her away from me!

"Mom the guys and I are going for a run we'll be back later tell dad." I told mom through our mind link.

"Okay be careful and when you get back your father and I are going to talk to you about your mate, we know you found her already, alright?" I turned to look at mom with a confused expression how could she possibly have know about that, I haven't even told anyone! As if reading my mind my mom responded to my question almost immediately.

"I'm your mother you can't keep secrets from me I've had you in the womb long enough to know when your keeping something from me, be careful sweety."I was shocked to say the least but I was also impressed my mom was truly amazing.

I took off my shirt and made my way into the forest while the rest followed behind.

Once we were deep inside the forest we all phased into our wolf form and took off running.

"So why did you want us to go for a run?" Jason questioned.

I ran faster avoiding the trees and branches that got in my way, "I found my mate."

I jumped over a tree that had fallen and was blocking my path. "What really? That's amazing and about time!"

I stopped running and made my way towards the waterfall and looked at my reflection in the clear water, I heard the rest stop just behind me

"So do we know her? What's her name? Is she new here?"

I was immediately bombarded with questions from everyone, how was I suppose to tell them my mate was my cousin. That the woman I was suppose to be forever with was related to me! I turned around to face them so I was able to see there expressions once I told them.

"It's Destiny."

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