Tempted~Chapter 33.

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Ryder's P.O.V.

I stood straight with my shoulders out, my beta was by my side along with my third in command and my best trackers. Dad was in a meeting a state away with my mom and the current beta and third in command. He's been trying to get more allies with the recent threats and wars breaking out, we can never be too safe.

The rogues that had crossed our territory were standing right across from us there clothes were ripped and stained. Dirt was smeared on there faces along with a sadistic smirk. They looked like they could care less what territory they just crossed. It was a mistake they shouldn't have done and I was gonna make sure they paid for it.

"What business do you have in coming here?"

A man in his late fourties stepped forward out of the group. There was something about him that made him seem powerful and dangerous not enough to scare an alpha of course but enough to seem as the leader of the group.

His hair was starting to turn gray, a huge scar ran across the left side of his face his clothes along with his skin were clean unlike the group he brought along. I'm guessing he let them handle his dirty work.

He looked me up and down with an evil glint in his eyes. "I was looking for my daughter she was taken from me at a very young age but I miss her dearly and want her to come back home where she belongs. Have you by any chance come across her?"

I frowned taking the information in.

"How does she look like?"

The man seemed to think for a while and hesisated on what to say. "Look I haven't seen her since she was what a toddler she is going to be completely different by now."

I pondered on this he is right, there will be a mass of change, there's just something about him that seems off. Why would anyone take his daughter? Did he get mixed up with the wrong people? What would they even do with her?

"What age would she be now?"

The man looked taken back by my question but quickly composed himself. He turned to his left at the men behind him, one of them shrugged discreetly. Then he turned to the right getting the same result. There is definitely something going on here.

"She would be in her teens. Look what I don't get is why your not helping me find my daughter instead of asking pointless questions!"

My wolf stirred with rage, how dare he raise his voice at me in my territory! I could of had them all gone even worse killed but instead I decided to hear them out and this happens!

"You come here and disrespect me! Who do you think you are!" I let out a ferocious growl trying to keep my wolf at bay.

"I'm Sorry for disrespecting you alpha I just want my daughter home." The way this man had to say it through clenched teeth had me on edge.

"I need to know as much as I can to be able to help you or else it will be like looking for needle in a haystack."

The mans eyes narrowed but nodded nonetheless. "Alright, well what can I say she was kidnapped as a toddler taken by some bad people she should have dark hair and green eyes and should be in her teens by now. The day she disappeared there was a war going on I didn't find out till later I was too busy with helping the pack and the death of my mate I didn't notice sooner. I've looking for her ever since I just got a lead yesterday pointing me to this side of land, I just want my baby girl home where she belongs."

Why did this all sound so familiar?

"Oh and her name is Faith... Faith Jackson."

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