Tempted~Chapter 21.

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Destiny's P.O.V.

I frowned staring at my brothers retreating figure. He had came out of nowhere yelling at me, wanting to know why I had left without telling Ryder.

It hurt so much to find out he was looking for me, that he actually still cared.

Maybe I was wrong, maybe I shouldn't have paid any attention to Alana, god knows she's trouble. So why in the world did I listen to a single thing she said!

This must have been all planned out on her part. I couldn't believe how stupid I was to actually listen to her!

I need to go home and apologize profusely to Rye rye. He is my everything, I don't know what I would do without him. But first I needed to get through the day.

I sighed looking around, I recognized a few faces from the pack although it still felt strange, its not like I was going to go up to someone I barely knew and stick to them. What if they didn't even like me, I did come out of nowhere, and just happened to be Rye ryes mate. That doesn't necessarily mean they have to like me.

The faces I didn't recognized were human, all clueless to the werewolves around them. Maybe I should make friends with them, it will be like starting with a clean slate. They won't know anything about me, they won't have to forcefully like me for being mates with an alpha, they won't try to be friends with me because I'm close to an alpha, and they won't pose a threat because there weaker than I am.

So hopefully I'll make new friends soon not that theres anything wrong with Belle. She's amazing in every way Im just not sure how long I can stand to be near here with her mate here too.

Jake, one of Rye ryes friends was Belle's mate. I remember meeting him at the bonfire he seemed nice plus he treated Belle right, so he was good in my book.

Right now they were currently sucking faces while I stood an awkwardly reasonable distance away. I wasn't really sure what to do at this moment so I slowly backed away.

After rounding the corner I turned around and started looking for my first period. I looked over my schedule trying to find the room number.

"So your a newbie here I would have remembered those gorgeous eyes and that beautiful set of hair of yours!" I looked up startled to find a guy, I sniffed the air discreetly, he was definitely human.

I looked him over, his black hair was combed to perfection, his eyes a popping green and he looked like a model with the clothes he wore. He had a good figure and a brown cross body backpack slung over his shoulder.

His hand casually rested on my shoulders causing all the pack members to stop and stare. If he was a werewolf he would have never thought of doing such a thing.

"Here let me see your schedule." Before I could even respond the schedule was taken from my hands. I heard a few low growls, I looked up to find Jason and few male pack members glaring at what's his face.

I should find out his name.

"Ooh I see we have four classes together, first, second, fifth, and seventh. I guess seven isn't technically a class but you know what I meant." He waved his hand casually in the air to make his point.

"Well c'mon girly we don't want to be late." And as if on cue the warning bell rang causing the sea of students to disperse.

The well dressed guy who I still didn't know his name hooked his arm with mine and dragged me along to first period. Leaving the members of the pack still staring and growling behind us.

I hope for his safety he doesn't pull anything.

We made it to first period and took seats in the front of the classroom. I looked around the room taking everything in, the room had many different colorful flags on the wall. A map of the united states and different countries were hanging in the front, along with important black and white pictures.

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