Tempted~Chapter 36.

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Ryder's P. O. V.

I let out a ferocious growl and snapped my teeth. I lunged at a rogue taking a bite out of him. Blood filled my mouth the metallic taste was disgusting but not enough to lose focus. I circled around the rogue and found an access to his neck snapping it in half ending his life. This is the seventeenth rogue I've killed but they still seem to be coming out of nowhere!

I dodged a rogue trying to bite me and slammed into him causing him to crash into some of my pack members who killed him instantly. I looked all around wolves were everywhere, as soon as their leader was killed everyone shifted and a war broke out. I've seen and met many rogues in my life yet I've never met any like these. One's that travel in a pack, the kind that obey and follow one leader almost like an alpha. Rogue's were named that way for a reason, they didn't like to obey rules so they decided to be on there own and leave their pack some wolves never even had a pack they were born a rogue so they stayed a rogue. All the rogues I've ever met had been cowards they flee at the sight of trouble one of the many reasons why they cant be trusted. Yet, these rogues are still here fighting for there deceased leader instead of tucking their tails in between there legs and running.

These rogues are going to be trouble, serious trouble.

Many of my pack members were injured but the only one's killed had been the rogues. We have better fighters there was no doubt about it but they overpowered us with numbers. We were going to need help if we wanted to win this!

I continued to kill all the rogues in my path and help any members of my pack that needed it until my nose caught a scent so familiar I began to lose focus. I'm going to punish her when I get my hands on her! I told her not to come and she does it anyway! How could she?!

I scan my surroundings frantically trying to find my little black headed mate.

I find her healing a pack member with a huge bite mark on his shoulder blade. I am beyond pissed at this moment but the sight of her helping the pack warms my heart. Desty's going to be a great luna. I make my way towards her running at full speed. I stop right beside her and guard them both waiting for her to get done. I kill every rogue that gets too close. Once she's done I quickly pull her into my arms inhaling her intoxicating scent.

I pull her at arms length inspecting her body, "What in the world were you thinking?!" I ask her wide eyed.

"Did you really think I was just going to sit down in a room that you locked me in and be happy? Hell no! I should be here with you and with the rest of the pack and you know it! I can heal anyone that gets injured they'll never see it coming! Please just let me stay I promise I won't fight unless it's necessary just let me help! Please..." Desty begged looking at me with those puppy dog eyes I just couldn't resist.

I sighed resting my forehead against hers, I hated the thought of something happening to her. When she was kidnapped I felt like my whole world had come crashing down I couldn't imagine that ever happening again. Even the thought of her getting hurt it would kill me to know I could have protected her. I don't know what I would do if that happened.

"Gorgeous...I don't want anything to happen to you, just promise me you'll stay safe and..." I let out a deep breath holding on to her tight. "Please just stay close to me or any other pack member. Do.Not.Go Anywhere.By.Yourself okay?"

"It's okay I'll be careful don't worry about me..." She grabbed my face and smashed our lips together, everytime I kissed her was like our frst time all over again. "Now let's go and kick some ass." She screamed.

I looked down at my beautiful mate taking her in, her beautiful face, her perfect pink lips, the twinkle in her eyes, Oh moon goddess please let her stay safe!

I gave her one last kiss to her temple before storming off and going straight towards the battle. I growled shredding rogues from left to right, they were going to regret ever stepping a foot in my land. I was going to kill as many as possible so none of them even got the chance to get near my mate!

I tackled two of the four rogues who were on top of Danny taking them by surprise. They quickly stood up circling me, I watched them closely waiting for them to attack. One rogue went for my neck, I snapped my teeth biting the first rogue near his shoulder. The other rogue bit my leg, I howled in pain letting go of the first rogue. I dropped to the ground giving the rogues the upper hand. The rogues wasted no time to attack, they were on me in an instant. I felt a deep pain in my shoulder and my stomach began to sting, I growled and stood up on all fours struggling from the pain.

I felt more weight get added on my back making the pain almost unbearable. My knees buckled and I was brought down by alI the weight. I growled and snapped my teeth in anger trying to stay up. I will not let them over power me! I am the alpha and I will not let them beat me!

I struggled to pick my legs up but I managed and kept my legs firmly on the ground and straightened my back keeping my weight up, I dropped a few rogues gaining my strength back. Xavier was pissed and wanted blood.

We need to finish them! He barked pissed off.

I agree.

I felt my eyes change as Xavier took over, he attacked left and right tearing everything in sight apart. Rogues were shredded limb from limb, blood was beginning to stain the dirt and green grass. The life was being taken right out of them one after the other.

"Alpha there's too many of them!" Jason said through mind-linked.

I scanned my surroundings absorbing the sight before me, chaos everywhere. wolves were scattered fighting each other or dead on the floor. Growls and yelps filled the air. If I did'nt do something now a lot of innocent people would die! I couldn't let that happen, I won't let that happen.

I ran full speed taking down rogues and helping any pack member that needed help the most. I zigzagged my way through the many wolves bumping into as many rogues as possible along the way. Before I knew it I had a line of rogues hot on my tail, I ran full speed ahead leaving the chaos behind me. I entered a clearing with flowers spread out in the center, along the side was a lake with a waterfall surrounded with boulders. It's sad to see a beautiful place that will soon be destroyed.

I ran full speed into the clearing stopping right in the center I turned around to find rogues just spilling out of the clearing. There must have been at least a dozen of them coming out. I was on high alert as they lined up on the opposite side, I kept my eyes trained on them as I slowly backed up. I needed to keep as much distance from them as possible.

Time seemed to stop, I don't know if it was for a second or even a millisecond. The rogues in front stood still there growls seemed to halt. Xavier took everything watching his surroundings and the rogues in front of us.

We can defeat them, all of them...but we won't make it out alive.

My gaze never left the many rogues in front of me, I took a deep breath and sighed knowing what he said was true. There was just no way we could defeat all of them without some type of consequences. Either we win and many pack members die that could have been prevented and lose love ones or I die saving my pack members.

I'm the alpha, dad's gone so it's my duty to keep them safe and guide them. I can't let them down.


That single name ran through my mind, I know what I'm about to do is stupid and will hurt her deeply but there's no other way. An alpha must sacrifice himself to keep his pack safe, and that's what I must do.

"I'm sorry Desty, just know I love you and I always will princess." I mind-linked Desty before all the noise seemed to return.

This was for my pack, my family, but most importantly my Destiny.

I growled and ran full speed towards the rogues who wanted nothing more than to have my dead body at their feet.

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