Tempted~Chapter 17.

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Pic of Ben➡➡

Destiny P.O.V.

I looked at the three passed out figures on the ground, Josh, Doughy, and Ben had passed out on the way to the pack house.

They looked like they had been to hell and back. scars, bruises, and blood trailed all over there body. The silver that had touched there skin left burning permanent marks. Even though I still had no clue why they broke into my mate's house, I felt a need to help them.

Yet, I didn't know how! Or even if I could.

I now know the history of my real parents yet that doesn't mean I inherited any of there powers. What if I was just useless with nothing special about me other than causing pain to others.

I sighed and slumped down on the ground, I placed my hands gently on Josh's side and cried like I'd never cried before.

What if they die because I can't help them?

I can't let that happen after all they tried so hard to help me, a girl they didn't know. When those men came storming into the house instead of leaving me they tried to protect me. Even after being caught and kidnapped they tried so hard to protect me and not even worrying about themesleves.

I shut my eyes tight, wanting strongly nothing more than to be able to help them. I took a deep breathe in and out, focusing just on my breathing.

I continued to do this blocking everything else out.

After a while I started feeling strange, like my body was draining itself. I frowned in confusion, what was going on?

"H-how did you..."

My eyes quickly shot open upon hearing a voice. The majority of the pack along with the best warriors had left to go track Alester and his men. Ryder had left shortly after bringing me, he didn't want to leave me so soon and he had appologized countless times but ending Alester was something he personally wanted to do.

He had left me in his room in another pack house I didn't know they had, and he gave specific orders to the men guarding the house and the ones right outside the room to make sure I got some rest.

Yet, I couldn't and the men outside had insisted that I should rest but I still couldn't. I was fine I had started healing after shifting, but Josh, Ben, and Doughy hadn't.

So here I was starring wide eyed at Josh who seemed perfectly fine. No scratches, no bruises, even the permanent marks the silver had caused were completely gone. He looked brand new.

"Y-you healed me.." Josh stuttered looking astonished.

My eyes widened even more if that was even possible. I did it! I had actually healed someone!

After getting over the shock of what I had actually done I quickly ran over to Doughy and tried to do the same thing. I shut my eyes tight and started focusing on my breathing and nothing else.

Again the feeling of being drained appeared.

I waited a couple seconds afraid of opening my eyes before I had fully healed him.

"What the.." I open my eyes and met Doughy's confused face.

I didn't have time to talk, I quickly got up and went over to Ben's side and repeated the same process.

Although the feeling of being drained felt stronger than the rest, I had a strong urge to just crawl in Ryder's bed and fall asleep.

I opened my eyes feeling so drained.

"How did you do that?" Ben asked with wide eyes.

"I-I don't know exactly but I did it!" I smiled at all three of them feeling proud of myself.

I had actually done something good for once!

"Are you a witch?" Josh asks staring at me.

"What? Do I look like a witch?" I place my hands on my hips staring at all of them. "Gosh you do something nice for once and people assume your a witch." I mutter under my breathe.

"Sorry, we've just never seen that happen before." Josh whispered still dazed.

I sighed and laid down staring at the ceiling, "Its fine that's actually the first time I've done it but I feel drained, I feel like I'm about to pass out at any minute." I whispered feeling like I couldn't make my voice any louder.

I heard someone talking but my mind couldn't comprehend what was being said, I just felt like my mind was shutting down and refusing to cooperate.

I finally let my mind take over until blackness was all around.

Josh's P.O.V

I couldn't believe was just happened, she healed us! Not just me but my brother and Ben. How is that even possible!

Not even the powerfulest alpha could have healed himself that fast. Yet, here this girl was healing not only herself but three guys. What's even more remarkable is how she just shifted an hour ago!

None of this makes any sense!

"W-what just happened.." Doughy asked eyes wide looking just as shocked as I felt.

"I have no idea...but I'm 100% sure she just saved our lives."

I looked over at her sleeping form on the floor, she was curled up with her hands in midfist sleeping peaceful. I still can't get over what just happened, how can this fragile looking girl who could be years younger than us seem to have more power than we could possibly imagine.

"We need to protect her." Ben spoke for the first time. His voice held authority leaving room for no argument.

He seemed to have been thinking the same thing I was, she saved us for no reason at all. She didn't question why we broke into her home, didn't hate me for flirting with her, didn't blame us for anything that happened.

The only thing she did was help us even if we didn't deserve it. Now it was our turn to help her and keep her safe, for some reason Alester was after her. He's a scum that can't be reckoned with, who knows what could have happened if we werent there, what horrible things he could have done to her.

The first night we were there we had agreed to make sure they didn't touch her, to piss them off so they can harm us more than they harmed her. That plan partially worked they did manage to hurt her more than we liked, but they managed to take there anger out on us. It almost seemed like the only reason they hurt her was because they had to not because they wanted too.

I don't know what Alester has in mind but what I do know is if he even tries to lay a hand on her again there will be hell to pay!

"I can't agree with you more." I mumbled still lost in thought.

After discussing further on the topic, we all decided to find somewhere comfortable to rest. There was most likely no way in hell we were getting any sleep tonight, not with Alester still on the loose. We needed to make sure she stayed safe while she slept, after all she needed the energy.

With that in mind I picked her up bridal style from the floor and carried her into a room full of couches and a huge TV.

I  set her down gently on the huge white couch and placed a soft black blanket on top of her. I sat down to her left letting my muscles relax for the first time in days, I sighed in content and closed my eyes enjoying how comfortable I felt.

I felt the couch dip and opened my eyes momentarily to see Ben sitting down to her right, he seemed to relax as soon as he took a seat. I watched Doughy get a blanket from on top of the other couches and spread it out on the floor before laying down and immediately falling asleep.

I smiled closing my eyes and shaking my head, Doughy was the only one who could get comfortable anywhere without seeming bothered that it wasn't his home.

Somewhere in the distant I heard the sound of the T.V. being turned on and the constant flicking of channels until it stopped in what seemed like animal planet.

The last thing on my mind was an image of a baby monkey being adopted by a tiger, before darkness consumed me.

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