Tempted~Chapter 22.

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Picture of Ryder ➡⬆

This is how I pictured him!!


Destiny's P.O.V.

He lied to me.

Ryder told me she meant nothing to him, she never had. Yet, he was with her while I was supposed to be at school. If I had stayed I wouldn't have known, I would have been clueless and his secret would have been safe.

What killed me the most was that she was right. Alana was right!

I wiped my eyes furiously suddenly growing angry. That b*tch had no problem rubbing it in my face! She enjoyed what she was doing!

"Everything is going perfectly well, that pathetic little whore saw us together." I froze when I heard Alana.

That slut was gloating!

"Yes I'm positive she saw. I placed a mirror behind Ryder and saw her when she walked in. She definitely believes Ryder is cheating on her and soon I'll be Luna and Ryder's mate."

I began to shake in anger, she planned this all along!

"No of course nothing happened I barely managed to straddle him before he pushed me off then he became angry started saying crap like how much that little whore meant to him and kicked me out of his office."

I froze, something inside me began to stir. I quickly dismissed the feeling only being able to think about one thing, payback! I was going to make sure she never messed with me again, that she feared the sight of me!

I stood up from the ground making my presence known, Alana froze, her phone slipping from her hand shattering against the kitchen floor. A ferocious growl escaped my lips, my eyes began to tingle before I knew what was going on my body lunged at Alana tackling her to the ground.

I was on top straddling her I brought my fist up and connected it with her face, her eyes widened in fear before composing herself, although it was too late her cheek was bright red from the hit. I swung my arm back up going for another blow but Alana shoved me dropping me to the ground.

I got back on my feet ready to lung at her again, but she beat me to it. I was pushed against the counter pain seared through my back from the contact. I hissed in pain, I turned around ready to attack but an immense pain shot from my head. I yelped and touched my head, blood was on my hands.

I turned to Alana to find her with half a bottle of wine while the other half was shattered beneath my feet. A smirk was on her lips. I gritted my teeth feeling a slight change in me. I shot forward grabbing her hair painfully and slamming her face down in the counter. I brought my knee up and kneed her in the stomach I watched her tumbled to the ground in pain.

Alana stood back up blood running down her face from her bloody nose, her cheeck was starting to turn a grossly purple color. She screamed and then came running towards me with a knife in hand. I quickly dodged her at the last second, she had lost it she was f*cking crazy!

Sure I wanted to beat the living daylights out of her but killing her!? Even I hadn't thought of that. I may dislike her a lot, like a lot lot but killing her?! I couldn't kill anyone from the same pack that was wrong in so many levels!

Alana quickly turned around facing me, she had an evil glint in her eyes. Most likely thinking about all the different possible ways she could kill me.

Finish her!

I frown looking around the room, okay who just said that?

If you don't kill her she'll kill you!"

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