Part 38

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Nejire's POV:

As we change into our swimsuits, I notice Y/N's phone ringing. I take a quick peep trying to see who was calling her. "Unknown number", I pick up her phone to take a closer look at the phone number. I go and try to find Y/N, to show her the number. When I found her, the phone stopped ringing. Y/N still didn't see me, so I quickly place her phone down on the kitchen counter and head outside. 

"This is a great day for a swim," I said getting into the pool. As I was hopping in, I notice that the boys weren't here yet. I look around trying to find them when they came out through the door. Mirio instantly jumped in the pool getting us all except for Tamaki wet. Tamaki was facing the other way and that puzzled all of us. "Tamaki, what's wrong?" Y/N asks him worried as she gets out of the pool. She walks up to Tamaki and then I and Mirio realize why Tamaki wasn't in the pool.

Mirio broke out in laughter and I was trying my best not to laugh. Y/N was trying to get Tamaki to turn around but kept on failing. Finally, Y/N grabbed his arm and dragged him into the water. Surprised, he clenched onto Y/N's arm also pulling her in with him. I and Mirio burst out laughing as they raised to the surface of the pool. Tamaki was already red when he looked at Y/N. She finally saw that his face was beet red and she asked him, "Do you have a fever Tamaki?" she puts her hand onto his forehead feeling his temperature.


As I go closer and put my hand on Tamaki's forehead, he turns even redder. "Y/N, he's like that because of what you're wearing." Nejire cried as she tried to stop laughing. I look down to see what was wrong with it. "What's wrong? I'm only wearing a bikini." I ask Mirio and Nejire. This only made them laugh even harder. To be honest this was the first time I was a little uncomfortable exposing myself.

Tamaki left the pool for about 2 minutes and came back with a towel and dumped it on my head. "Cover yourself up," he whispers getting back into the pool. I dip the towel in the water to make it wetter before putting it on. I wack everyone with it and leave the pool. "I'll call you guys when dinner is ready," I said throwing away the towel onto the floor. As soon as I said that, everyone's stomach's started to growl really loudly.

I walk inside and take a quick shower and change into clean clothes. I get some ingredients out and start cooking something random. After about 30 minutes, everyone had come inside and was extremely hungry. "Take a shower first, dinner will be ready by the time you come out," I say grabbing out 4 plates. "Mirio you can use the guest bathroom, Nejire you can use the one upstairs and Tamaki you can use my one," Handing them all clothes.

They all nod and turn around. I could hear their footsteps going further away from me. When the food got ready, I walk to everyone and knock on their door saying that dinner was ready. I walk back to the kitchen and sit down waiting for everyone. Eventually, they all came except for Tamaki. "Where's Tamaki?" Nejire asks. I sigh as I get up and walk to my room. I knock on the door at least 3 times. No answer. I knock again and still no answer. 

"Tamaki?" I call out opening the door. "Um Y/N, I can't find the shirt you gave me earlier." He said approaching me. I walk out of the room to fetch another shirt. "What is with you and shirts?" I laugh handing him a random shirt.

He quickly puts it on and we walk out. Finally, we were able to eat. I tell everyone to dig in. As they were stuffing their faces, I heard my phone ring.

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