Wedding (Pt. 2)

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Y/N's POV:

"Is everything ready?" I asked Nejire. She nods her head and starts talking to the hairstylist. "I should check just to be sure," I mutter. I was about to get up when Sakura and Niko pushed me back into my chair. "Nope," they both said in unison, "We got everything under control, so don't worry about it!"

It was just an hour before the wedding was about to begin and all of our friends and family were waiting. "Come on Y/N, you just need to finish your hair and then you can make sure everything is perfect while you're walking down to Tamaki." Nejire turns back to me and starts to laugh.

"That also reminds me, is your dad coming?" Niko asks. I shake my head and allow the hairstylist to add the finishing touches. "Wow Y/N! You look beautiful! Now let's get you into your dress, " After getting me into the dress, it was time for them to put on their dresses. "Y/N, your taste is impecible!" Niko states as she twirls around. I give her a small smile.

"Hey Sakura, could you get Tamaki a glass of water?" I ask. She nodded and left the room.

Mirio's POV:

"Tamaki? Are you ready? " I knocked on the door, waiting for a reply. The wedding was about to start in 30 minutes and he wanted to go over what he was going to say. "I'm coming in," I open the door slowly and find Tamaki rolled up in a chair. He was staring at the wall, muttering something to himself. He noticed me and started asking me a series of questions.

"What if she changes her mind and says no? What if she decides to divorce me? What if she takes Akimitsu with her? Everyone's eyes are staring at us. We'll be the centre of attention! What if something goes wrong? "he cried.

"Wow dude, get a hold of yourself. Y/N wouldn't do any of that, "I laugh. Tamaki didn't seem to hear me and kept doubting himself. I let out a sigh and decided to do the first thing that came to mind. "Sorry bud, but this is for your own good." I raise my hand and get ready to flick his forehead. A small red circle starts to form right in the middle.

Tamaki places his hand on it and starts to rub it. "Ouch. Thanks, Mirio, "he mutters. Again, I laugh as I apologize. "Don't worry Tamaki! You'll be fine. "

A knock on the door appears and Nejire walks in with a glass of water. She immediately notices the red circle and gets her makeup kit ready. "What happened?" she asks looking at me. I look away while awkwardly whistling. "Anyways, why are you here?" Tamaki asks as Nejire finishes up.

"Y/N sent me here to make sure you're feeling okay. She sent Sakura to get you water, but she got lost and sent me instead, "Nejire explains. Tamaki nods as he takes the water from her. "By the way, Nejire, you look great!" I smile. She smiles back and replies, "Thanks, Y/N picked out the dresses."

Me and Nejire both leave the room, leaving Tamaki to prepare himself. "I wish Tamaki took some more of Y/N's confidence," I sigh.

Y/N's POV:

"Okay Y/N! Just a few more minutes till it starts! You can do this! " I stare at the mirror trying to find confidence. "After today, you get to spend the rest of your life with the love of your life and your baby boy!" I could feel my body shaking as voices belonging to the guests passed my door. "You will be perfectly fine!"

The door slammed open with Nejire entering the room. "It's almost time," she smiles. I take a huge gulp as she leads me out and out to the venue. Waiting there was Tamaki's father. Since my dad wasn't here, Tamaki's dad volunteered instead. "Thank you uncle," I smile. He returns the smile and stares ahead. Nejire had already left and went to go stand in her position.

"Y/N," he whispers. I looked up at him as he continued his sentence, "take care of our baby boy for us," He gave me a warm smile and the door swung open. Everybody's heads turned back and the entire room's gaze was on me as I walked down the aisle. My body started shaking again as I walked closer to Tamaki.

Never in my life would I actually think that he would wear a suit. I caught him looking at me with a flushed face. He instantly turned his head down to the floor and I walked in front of him. I gave him a soft smile as his eyes perked up to catch me looking at him. "You look amazing," he mumbles. "You too," I whisper back. 

The officiator took a deep breath before talking. "We are all gathered here today to see the marriage of pro hero ______ and pro hero Suneater. You may both say your vows."

We both say them.

"If any objections, then you are now officially married!" One of my friends walks up to us and Tamaki takes a ring and slides it on my finger. I do the same. "You may now kiss the bride," Tamaki froze at the thought of kissing in front of thousands of eyes. I could see him trembling a bit. He was trying to force himself to kiss me but he couldn't push himself. 

"Hurry up!" someone yelled. Everyone looked at the person with a glare, including Tamaki. You could clearly see the fear in his eyes. I let out a small chuckle as I activate my telekinesis and lift the person to a sprinkler and the sprinkler 'accidentally' turned on. Everyone's eyes, including the officiator, had their eyes locked onto the scene and I gave Tamaki a quick kiss.

Tamaki gave me a surprised expression but remained silent. I look to the corner and let the person down. Somehow, no one suspected me to be the one who lifted the rude person. "Ahem, you may now kiss the bride," the officiator repeats.

"We already did that," I chuckle. The officiator nods their head and starts to clap along with the entire room. "Now let's eat!" I shout as I rush to the buffet table. 

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