Part 21

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Y/N's POV:

When Wednesday finally rolled around, Tamaki helped me make my way to the hospital to take off my cast. When we arrive, we see Mirio in the waiting room sitting down. Tamaki pushes my wheelchair towards him to see why he wasn't at school. "Oh hey Y/N. Hey Tamaki. I'm just here to see Eri." he says. We both give him a complex look. "Who's Eri?" we both ask at the same time.

Mirio gave a small laugh and explained to us that she was the child we were trying to rescue.. He was a bit shaken. It looked like he was hiding something. Tamaki and I wave bye so we could get my bandages off. When we get called by the doctor, he cuts off the casts.

As we walk out, we hear Mirio's voice in a soft tone. We both poked our heads inside the room to see who he was talking to. It was a cute little girl with white hair in a hospital gown. She had a really tiny horn on her head and her red eyes were filled with innocence and guilt.

I knock on the door and step in with Tamaki hiding behind me. A frightened expression appeared on the little girl's face. She lifted up her blanket and hid behind it. I give her a soft smile to let her know I'm harmless. It was like looking at a mini Tamaki. I take a seat next to Mirio. After a few minutes, she let go of the blanket and clung to Mirio's arm. Mirio lets out a soft giggle. Tamaki was silent, but I could tell that he was happy to see the little girl.

"It's okay Eri! These are my classmates Y/N and Tamaki. They were there when we were saving you. "T-then why are they at the hospital. They got hurt didn't they?" Eri said. Tears started to fill her eyes. Before I could answer, she burst into tears and kept on crying. Mirio tried to pull his arm away from Eri. Tamaki went to help him.

I walked up to Eri trying to comfort and hug her, but for some reason, I could feel the pain of the broken bones coming back. I wanted to scream but couldn't. All of a sudden, the pain stopped and Eri fainted. I laid her on the bed and looked at Tamaki and Mirio. They were both looking at the door of the room.  I took a peek and a man that looked like he was in his 30's, was there. He wore a white scarf and looked like he was extremely tired.

He walked into the room and began to speak. "Shouldn't you go home by now?" He asked. "We'll leave now Mr.Aizawa," Tamaki says as he drags me out of the room. While he keeps dragging me, I realize that he was a teacher for the first years. As we exit the hospital, we walk over to my house and change into our uniforms. We head to school and see that most students are already eating their lunch. 

Nejire walked up to us and hugged us. I hugged her back and asked her why Mirio wasn't at school yet. She had a hesitant look on her face and blurted out something that made us both shocked! "He lost his quirk in the battle. Overhaul shot him with this weird bullet that makes your quirk go away. He's on leave for school for a bit." She says. Tamaki was pretty silent. I look at him and he looked like he knows what Nejire is talking about.

"Someone shot me with that same bullet. But it took my quirk away only for a bit," he said. I look at him in horror. "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME?!" I yell at him. He stayed silent. I sighed and give him a kiss on the cheek. I walk off in silence leaving them alone.

As I enter the building, Sakura met me and asked, "Why were you away for the last two days Y/N? Got into a fight and you lost? Anyways, did you hear about the fight with Overhaul?" She had an evil smirk on her face. "So not everyone knows that some students were involved." I thought to myself. I roll my eyes and push her aside.

"You know for your information, I was the one that defeated Overhaul. As soon as he saw what my quirk was, he just surrendered. That shows you that I'm stronger than you!" she laughed. I froze for a minute. She kept on laughing. I turn around and push her. "Don't you dare lie about that fight! I know you weren't there and you weren't the one to defeat him.  A lot of people ended up in the hospital because of him." I burst into tears. "And how do you know crybaby?" she continued to laugh.

"Because I was there! I was there and all my friends got injured. I was in the hospital for 2 days. Tamaki was with me ask him! And it was a first-year that defeated Overhaul!" I storm off with tears flooding my eyes even more. I leave Sakura there standing on her own. 

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