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After the class was finally over, I dragged Tamaki out of the school and walked with him to my house. "Why were you rude to the new girl at lunch today?" he asks. "She didn't change," I tell him. I explain the whole story to him. We walk in silence. "So you want to go back to that conversation that we were having 2 months ago?" I say trying to break the silence. 

Tamaki looked at me with confusion. "What conversation? The one about me meeting your parents?" he asks. I nod. "You can just meet my mum. She lives closer and is more involved in my life." I say looking down.

"Sure! That would be easier," he says. I looked at him with gratitude. We discuss the time and what day we should meet. I suggest Friday and he was fine with that. "So I have 3 days to prepare?!" Tamaki cries. I nod.

After that, we arrive at my house. I wave bye and head inside. I grab my phone out and text my mum. 

Me: Hey mum... I want to introduce you to someone on Friday at 5 pm after school.

Mum: Hi Y/N sweetie! It's been so long! You need to text me more! And sure, I can do Friday!

Me: ok.

My mum leaves me on seen. I sigh. It's been about 6 months since I last spoke to her. I love her and all, but sometimes she can be over the top. I get dinner prepared and dread Friday. "Ugh! Why can't it come already! I want to get this over with.

Time Skip:

It was finally Friday, but first, we had to get past the school day. After a bunch of classes, it was finally lunch. I wait for Tamaki outside with Mirio. When he finally comes out, he tells me to go on ahead and he'll see me later. I look at Mirio and he just shrugs. We walk over to our spot at the cafeteria. 

There I see Sakura talking with Tamaki in a corner. I look at him and could see again that he was uncomfortable. Sakura didn't see me yet. So I walk up to them but stop when I hear her mention my name. "If you want Y/N to be safe, dump her and go out with me! I'm way better anyways," Sakura had her usual flirty look on her face while Tamaki remained silent. 

"I can protect her on my own," he mumbled. She looked at him with a confused look and then burst out laughing. I was about to grab a random lunch tray and throw it at her.  "Sorry darling, but you don't look like someone who could even do a push-up!" My blood started to boil. At this point, I really was going to throw a tray at her. Tamaki remained silent.

I grab a random student's tray and march up to both of them. "Ah Y/N sweetie! We were just talking about you. Isn't that right darling," Tamaki avoids eye contact. I didn't care though, he's already uncomfortable and I was here now. Sakura started laughing and then strutted off. 

Tamaki and I watched her leave. I almost forgot about my plan and just sit down next to MY boyfriend. Tamaki starts to mumble something but I just give him a sweet smile. I was about to comfort him when Sakura called my name once again. Seriously she's gonna wear out my name. I look over in her direction to find her sticking her middle finger up and mouthed weakling to Tamaki. 

I roll my eyes at her and put an arm around Tamaki. He looked like he was about to cry. That bitch was so dead for making my adorable bean upset and uncomfortable. I'm so going to humiliate her in front of the entire school! I pick up the tray and use my quirk to guide it towards her and hit her with the tray. 

With that, I guided him out of the cafeteria leaving Mirio and Nejire alone. They both understood that we needed a moment. As we sat down on the roof, a teacher comes up to us. The teacher and messy hair and a scar under his eyes. He wore a scarf around his neck. It was Mr Aizawa. "Tamaki, you need to come to class 1A after lunch. Bring Mirio and Nejire too," he mumbled. He left without letting Tamaki answer.

I grabbed out my phone to text them both. Once that was done, I let Tamaki lay his head on my shoulder. We stayed like this until the bell rang. Once it did, we said bye and I headed to class. I walk in to see Sakura waiting for me. "Where's Tamaki?" she asked. "None of your business," I say while sitting down.

A/N: Two things.

1. I just realized that I have been using the character's first names instead of their last names like in the manga/anime. I'm going to continue doing this just because I got used to saying their first names.

2. I know that this chapter doesn't make sense.

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