Warning! 18+ (not rlly)

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A/N: I have no clue why I updated it 😭💀

Y/N's POV:

When Christmas finally came, I woke up excited and a bit nervous. The entire day was pretty weird; we didn't talk to each other that much. We just exchanged gifts, and that was our only interaction with each other until tonight. I walked over to my room, finding Tamaki waiting for me already. He was taking his shirt off as I opened the door. "You got a condom, right?" I whisper, closing the windows. He nods, showing a medium-sized square plastic wrapper. He was going to use it if things got a little far.

How do we even start this? Both of us were experienced, and it didn't really feel right since it was scheduled. "Maybe we should get into the mood?" I propose. Tamaki's face turned bright red as he knew what I meant. He nodded his head in agreement as he pulled me toward him. I sat on his lap as he slithered his arms around me not letting me go. He started to place nice and gentle kisses all over my face, slowly going down to my neck. Every now and then he would bite by accident, making me wince a little. As soon as he heard me, he would try to ease the pain with another gentle kiss. Eventually, his rare bites became more frequent, leaving more obvious marks that covered my neck.

I buried my face into his chest, as I could imagine what my neck would look like in the morning.
"Do you want me to stop? He whispered as he placed his chin on my head. I shook my head before looking into his caring eyes. It was my turn now. I loosened myself from his grip and grabbed his cheeks with my hands giving him a kiss on the lips, not letting him go. I kept kissing him until our tongues made contact. After a few moments, we both let go and tried to gasp for air. We continued our eye contact as I pushed him onto the bed, with me now on top of him.

My face turned red as I just stared into his eyes once more. In a rush, I began to take off my shirt, with him following my actions. Both of us were now topless. Me in my bra while he is just now wearing pants. I saw that his eyes were extremely nervous. "I'm guessing this is your first time as well, my angel?" he looked at me with confusion when I said angel. "Angel?" he asks me looking into my eyes. I let out a small giggle kissing his lips. I let him breathe and whisper in his ears, "Because you're way too nice and pure".

I didn't know what I was doing; I was pushing all my nervous emotions aside, trying to step out of my comfort zone. Tamaki took over and turned around, pushing my back against the bed. He places his lips around my chest, biting it. I let out a quiet moan. Tamaki pulls himself away, looking at the marks he left on it. I looked into his eyes, and I could tell that he was now a completely different person. He leans in to leave another bite mark. Only this time, it was harder. He starts to unzip his pants, and out comes his d***. Without even thinking, I grab it and start to stroke it in an up-and-down motion. It felt slightly hard, but also really good in my hands. He bit his lips as he tried not to let out any sounds. It seemed like he was enjoying it. I continued to do it until a white substance flew out from the tip, landing all over my hand and a bit on the bed. While panting, he looked down at me.

I took the hint and began to take off my pants, leaving me only in my underwear and bra.
"Take it off, please," he muttered. Within a second, I complied and took them both off. Now we were both naked. He placed both of his hands on my boobs, moving them in circular motions before he started to suck on my right breast. Biting the nipple, I let out a loud whimper as I could feel his teeth bite down.

Soon he moved onto the left breast and repeated his actions. It felt so good, yet slightly painful. I could feel my pussy getting slightly wet. Tamaki must've noticed as well since he stopped. He gave me a small break to allow me to catch my breath. But not even a minute later, I felt something hard enter me and push in and out. It felt strange yet also amazing at the same time. My back arched a bit as I could feel and enjoy every single movement. I could feel a rush of fluid running through my body, trying to exit.

"I'm going to c**!" I cried. Just in time, Tamaki took out his d***, and he squirted the same white substance as before. Both of us stayed still for a bit, panting and trying to process the last few moments. Both of us were tired. Tamaki, still panting, lays down next to me and gives me another round of his gentle kisses. He stared into my eyes and kept his gaze until we both fell asleep.

When morning arrived, I was the first to wake up. Still naked, but wrapped in the presence of Tamaki. I tried to get out of bed but accidentally slipped, making a loud thud. Tamaki quickly woke up and peered over the ledge of the bed, looking down at me.
"Good morning," he chuckles as he continues his gaze. My face turned red from embarrassment, as I tried once more to get up. However, it had the same outcome. I fell back down to the ground and landed on the floor, covered in sheets. Tamaki quickly put on his pants before coming to my side and helping me get up.
"You must still be a bit tired from last night. Sorry, I should've been more gentle," he said, with a face filled with guilt. He was too adorable for his own good. I quickly replaced the sheets that were covering me with clothes that were more comfortable and headed for the shower. I definitely need a nice shower and to wash those bedsheets and pillows. After me, Tamaki took his turn in the shower.

We both make our way to the living room to watch some TV after he helped me clean up the mess. He sits down next to me and kisses my forehead. As soon as Tamaki turns on the TV, the doorbell rings. He hops up to answer the door. "Oh... hi Mirio, hi Nejire!" he says. They both walk in holding presents. "Hi Y/N, we got you and Tamaki a Christmas present each!" said the smile. "Uh, thanks; you can place it under the tree over there."

They look at me weirdly as they place their presents under the tree. Tamaki joins us helping me get up. Nejire studied his face, noticing that Tamaki was blushing a bit. Her eyes widen as she puts the pieces together. She started to squeal and jump up and down. She tackles me pushing me to the floor and hugging me. Mirio stood there, confused. "Y/N, did you hit your leg against something?" he asked worriedly. Nejire starts to laugh really hard as she helps me stand up. "Something like that." I sighed, looking at Tamaki, who was still blushing.

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