Part 55

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Y/n's POV:

As I sat up, my entire body felt heavy and my vision was kind of blurry. I looked at the people who were standing behind Sakura and saw a girl with light blue hair that looked like Nejire's and messy dark blue hair that looked like Tamaki's. "It must be Nejire and Tamaki." I think to myself trying to stand up. But my legs refused and I fell into Tamaki's arms. He gave me a tight hug and felt the heat generating from m body. 

"She might have a fever. Her body is hot." Tamaki carefully places me back onto the bed. He leaves the room to get an ice pack for me. "Do you think it was one of their quirks?" Nejire asks. Sakura and I shake our heads in disagreement. My throat was starting to get swollen. "This is way to close to Midnight's quirk. It might be something like poison. But it doesn't look like it's deadly," Sakura looks at me worried. "If one of them was able to create poison like this, then they must be clever and have a careful plan." she continues. 

Tamaki walks back in with a bucket filled with ice and a ton of wet cloths. "Me and Sakura will look around the campus to try and find out Zoey's and Alex's quirks." Nejire walks out with Sakura leaving me and Tamaki alone in the room. Tamaki wastes no time and takes my jacket off and then instantly puts on the wet cloths all over my body. He gets up to turn on the air conditioner to help me cool down. Tamaki talked for a bit and then we both fell asleep. Another few hours go by and I wake up to the sound of laughter. I was feeling a bit better and the poison was starting to lose its effects. I get up and see that Tamaki was still asleep, so I opened the door a bit to see what was going on.

I saw Zoey laughing as she sat back down on the couch eating a slice of cake that I baked yesterday. "You got to hand it to Y/n. She knows how to cook, too bad we're going to kill her later." Alex laughs. My hearts starts racing as I close the door quietly. I turn around to see Tamaki about to wake up and tell him what I just heard. He hugs me tight now letting go from his grasp. "Once this is all over, your back on holidays right? I'm staying for an extra few weeks, so why don't you stay with me at the hotel," he whispers. I look at him a little confused and the realization that this was a school that prepares it's students how to run a company. Tamaki went to a hero university and it must have like a partnership with this school and teaches the other students how to run a hero agency. A few others went to other colleges/universities to learn how to run/work in a hero agency. 

Tamaki pushes me to the bed and cuddles me not letting me go anywhere. Again, we doze off.

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