New Enemies

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Y/N's POV:

We all walk back together to the dorms and Sakura nudges me. "What?" I whisper, Alex was way ahead of us, but he had really good hearing. "I don't know why, but ever since we moved into that dorm, I've gotten an uneasy feeling about the twins..." Sakura's voice trails off, as Alex turns back to see what we were doing. We both smile and he turns his head. "Now that you mention it, I've been getting the same feeling!" I tell her, as we both glare at him. 

We finally reached the dorms, and me and Sakura head to our room straight away. We lock the door behind us and randomly hear whispers coming from the living room. "We need to tell Shigaraki, that we found them! It's been a week, and they're becoming suspicious of us!" Alex whisper shouts. "Nah not yet, I want to see their quirks up closely." Zoey laughed. My eyes widened. I drag Sakura to the other side of our room and pulled out m phone until I realised that it was already recording everything. 

I use my quirk to lift both of us through our small window and onto the ground. "Where are we going?" Sakura asked as I started running. "To the principal!" I yell out, I look behind me to see Sakura already catching up to me. I show her the recording and she asks me how I knew to record. "I wanted to record the race but forgot about it when I saw you use your quirk on yourself." I laugh still running. We pass a bunch of students and teachers yelling at us to not run on campus.

Eventually, we reach the principal's office and we knock on the door gasping for air. She tells us to come in and we willingly collapse on the chairs in front of her desk. "Is everything alright ladies?" She asks flipping through her book, looking for something. I place my phone on the table and fast forward it to Alex's and Zoey's talk. The principal looks up gazing at my phone, "Don't tell me..." her voice trails off as I nod.

She grabs the telephone sitting on her desk and calls another university. Hello? This LA College (Idk), my students have found what they believe to be 2 members of the League of Villains." The phone then hangs up and she looks up at us sternly. "Make sure to keep an eye on them until help arrives in a few hours."

Sakura nods as she drags me out of the office to our dorm. When I open the door, Alex and Zoey were nowhere to be seen. I open the door to their room slightly to see if they were in there, no one was in there. I close the door behind me as I walk into my room and throw myself onto my bed. Sakura remained in the living room and started to watch movies. I stared at the roof when a strange smell came lurking onto the room. The smell was soothing and calm. It made me fall sleepy, and before I knew it, I fell asleep. A few hours pass by and I was awakened by Sakura shaking me and two other figures. 

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