School Festival

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I look down to see Eri hiding behind Mirio. "Hi, Eri! How do you like the festival so far?" I ask her. She stays quiet and keeps on hiding behind Mirio's leg. "Hey Eri, you wanna see Midoriya before their performance?" Mirio asks, picking Eri up and puts her on his shoulders, and starts running towards the hall.

Tamaki pushes me to the hall wanting a good view. When we stepped in, we could see that the hall was packed and there was barely any space. We push our way to the front trying to find Mirio and Eri. Eventually, we gave up and stayed in the spot we already were in. I heard people making fun of 1A, Tamaki had to hold my hand down so I wouldn't punch them. 

The blinds from the stage lift up we all hear a big boom, this makes us all shut up and pay attention to the stage. During the performance, I notice that Tamaki was completely captivated by the song. I sneaky take a screenshot of him with a big smile on his face. After putting my phone away, I lay my head on his shoulder and hold his hand. Tamaki pushed me in front of him and laid his head on mine. Just then, Aoyama gets thrown into the air by Midoriya and uses his quirk to make fancy effects!

My eyes were filled with excitement as things started to get more interesting. A bunch more amazing effects came after. I was loving this! "I hope someone is filming this!" I shout. Then Tsu used her tongue to swing Uraraka t make people float. I was jumping up and down hitting Tamaki's head. "Sorry!" I smile. 

The other students were all cheering as well. Everywhere you look, smiles, and cheers! Once everything the song finished, people started to thank the class for an amazing show. "You guys go ahead, Eri and I want to see Midoriya," Mirio said from behind us. Finally, we were able to find him when it was too late.

I nod and drag Tamaki out of the hall. "Next is Nejire's fashion show," I say leading him to the area.

Srry that this is short

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