(Sakura's POV)

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"Listen up guys! The boss is taking a few weeks off, so I'll be in charge!" I announce. Every one started murmuring and shuffled their way back to work. I walk back to Y/N's office and sit down in her chair, putting on my glasses. An hour goes by and I hear a quiet knock on the door. I look up from the screen to see Niko was standing there hesitating to step in. "May I know why the boss is away?" she whispers. Y/N told me what happened to her last night.

I let out a sigh and take off my glasses. "Sorry, I can't tell you. Is that all?" Niko stands there fidgeting with her hands. "Actually, the rest of the office is talking about how the boss is always away and how they don't know much about you two. They said that you two don't deserve the positions that you in since you were here shorter than the rest.

I let out another sigh and rub my eyes. "Do you feel like this as well?" She stands there looking at the ground. "Okay, how about this, after work, I'll take you out to dinner and you can ask me any questions you want. And then you can tell the rest of the employees!" I smile. Niko started to blush a tiny bit as she nods her head. "Now get back to work!" I put my glasses back on and go back to work. In the back of my head, I went over what I had just said, and realised that I asked the girl I liked on a date! "That was the wrong way to ask someone out. Besides, its not an official date right?'"

I stared at the computer screen thinking about it. Several hours go by until it was night and almost everyone had left. Soon it was just me and Niko, who had been sitting in a chair waiting for me to finish. "Sorry about the wait!" I apologize. She remains silent and just follows me to my car. "Do you have anywhere that you want to go?" I start the engine waiting for Niko to reply. She scrolls through her phone until she stops and shows me a seafood restaurant that was pretty close by.

I nod and start driving there. "You know you can start with the questions." She looks up at me as if she was about to explode with 100 of them. "What's your quirk?" she asks curiously. "It's nothing. I just touch someone on their shoulder with my entire hand and I can control them for up to 5 minutes. My eyes turn red when I'm controlling someone. Basically, they become my puppets when I control them. I'm pretty sure I can control up to 5 people max. It has been a while since I activated it. I wear these clear gloves that Y/N gave me in college." I reply.

"How long have you known Y/N?" she continues to ask. "Since we were like 2." After a couple more questions, we finally reach the restaurant. I park the car close and help Niko get out. We sit at a table near a window right in front of the car. "I know that you still have way more. Ask away!" I smile. The waiter comes up to us and gives us both menus. "Who's paying?" Niko asks. I point at myself and order the first thing I see. Niko takes a while to order and once she does, she goes back to ask her questions.

Niko: "With a quirk like yours, why didn't you just become a hero?"

Me: "I lost a bet."

Niko: "What's Y/N's quirk?"

Me: "Telekinesis (or your quirk)"

Niko: "Why didn't she become a hero? With her quirk used in the right way, she could be strong."

Me: "I and Y/N did go to a hero school, but because of the bet, I decided to study business. Y/N gave up her dream because her parents wanted her to become the successor of the company."

Niko: "What school did you go to?"

Me: "U.A High School."

Niko looks a bit surprised and did blush a bit. Just then the food came. Niko took the first bite of her food before I even touched my meal.

Niko: "What school did you go to before?" 

she starts to stuff her face. I didn't know how to respond to her knowing which schools we went to before.

Me: "How do you know?"

Niko just shrugs and waits for my answer.

Me: "Shiketsu High School. I transferred schools to UA after Y/N left so we could continue the little fight that we had back then. I used to bully people back then and Y/N stood up for everyone. The bet that I lost was between me and her. She could've easily chosen to defeat me in a second, but she let me talk and spit our what I was feeling. If I lost, I would give up being a hero and apologize to everyone. If she lost, she would have to leave school and give up being a hero. I obviously lost and didn't know what to do with my hero license, so I kept it but didn't become a hero. It's complicated."

Niko looks at me, and I realised that I haven't even taken a bite yet and she was already done. Apparently, the restaurant was about to close and the bill was just sitting on the table. As I picked up the bill, I realised that I didn't feel like I was on cloud 9 when I was around Niko anymore. I drove Niko home and then went to my house and just dumped myself onto the couch.

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