Confession gone wrong!

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Y/N's POV:

I'm walking around the school trying to find Tamaki's locker. After a few minutes, I finally find his locker in an empty hallway. I was thankful and walked up to his locker. I took a deep breath. My heart was pounding so hard that I thought it was going to break its way out of my chest. My stomach started to fill with butterflies.

I started to slide in the note, but then I hear Tamaki's voice around the corner. I started to panic and hide the note behind me. When Tamaki walks around the corner, he was with Mirio. I started to sweat like crazy.

Tamaki and Mirio stop talking. "Hi Y/N," Tamaki says with a smile "why are you at my locker? Do you need something?". I could feel my face turn beet red, but didn't seem that he noticed. But Mirio on the other hand started to laugh. Tamaki looked at him with a puzzled look. "What?" he asks. Mirio just shakes his head. He says that he needs to go. He winks at me and mouths good luck.

"So what did you need?" Tamaki says. Come on! This is your chance to confess!" I thought to myself. "I wanted to ask if you wanted to meet up at my house so we can study for our tests later." I blurt out. "Sure I would love that! Just tell me your address and I'll be there on Saturday at 2 pm!"

I nod in agreement and walk away. My face was still red. "Of course I would mess that up." I thought to myself. I text Nejire what happened. She replies with "At least your meeting up at your house!" I text back "Yea I guess your right". She leaves me on reading. I walk back home, change clothes, and collapse on my bed. I started to fall asleep.

Mirio's POV:

I was walking with Tamaki and saw Y/N at his locker. I wonder what she was doing there. She started talking to Tamaki and I saw her blush like crazy. I started to laugh which made Tamaki confused. I guess he didn't see Y/N blush.

She must have feelings for him. I decided to leave them alone so I lie to Tamaki saying I have something to do. I wave bye to them and wink at Y/N and mouth good luck. I turn around and chuckle. Once I left the building, I decided to text Nejire about what happened. 

Me: Did you know about this?

Nejire: About what?

Mirio: You know... Y/N's feelings for Tamaki?

Nejire: Oh yea. She told me like a month ago.

Mirio: Why didn't she tell me? I thought we were friends.

Nejire: I guess she just wanted to tell another girl about her feelings. So did she tell you about her feelings orrrrrrrrrr

Mirio: No I figured it out on my own. She turned red when she was talking to Tamaki. So yea it was pretty obvious. If he doesn't feel the same way towards Y/N, there's going to be a lot of awkwardness in the group.

Nejire: Oh wait! Y/N just texted me what happened! She says that instead of confessing, she asked Tamaki if he wanted to study with her for the tests coming up.

Mirio: Haha. This should be interesting to watch. I hope she confesses soon! They look so adorable together!

End of chat

Time Skip: It's finally Friday!


Well, it's Friday. That means Tamaki is coming tomorrow. After school is finished, I rush to the supermarket and buy snacks for tomorrow. I rush back home and pick out my outfit for tomorrow. I'm going to just wear my hoodie. I walk to my kitchen and make myself some dinner.

I walk over to the living room and watch movies while eating my dinner. After a few hours, I started to doze off and woke up the next day. I check the time and it's already 1 pm! I quickly get up and go to the shower. I dashed into my hoodie and set the table to prepare for studying. As I was setting the snacks, I hear the doorbell ring. "COMING!" I shout. I open the door and Tamaki was there.

He smiled and walked in and looked around my house. "Do you live alone?" he asks. I nod. "My family live a few streets away just in case if I ever need something or feel lonely."I lead him to the kitchen where we would be studying.

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