Boy or Girl? (Part 1)

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Y/N's POV:

"Babe! What are you talking about?! "the female said. I could see Tamaki glaring at the woman and he pulled his arm away from her grasp. "Honestly, people these days always want to cause drama," he started mumbling more things before making his way towards me. "Honestly, I didn't think anyone would do that," I say, plopping myself down next to Tamaki.

We could both still hear the crowd of women outside shouting. "Ugh! I'm so bored. At least that scene was a bit short, "I laugh. "Honestly, I can't be bothered to do anything these next two days. How about we stay in for the rest of the time?" Tamaki nodded.

Time Skip: 3 weeks later

"Any day now!" I squeeze Tamaki's hand tightly. He kisses my forehead goodnight as he lays there next to me. "I'll make sure to stay up all night just in case until our future child comes," he smiles softly. I close my eyes, slowly dozing off. Behind me, I could feel Tamaki's eyes staring down at me. I'm guessing a few hours went by before I felt the bed getting a little wet, causing it to wake me up. Getting up instantly, I found Tamaki lying next to me with his eyes closed tightly. I poked Tamaki, trying to wake him up to let him know that I might be in labour.

It took a few tries before he finally woke up. "I was awake the whole time," he mumbled, turning around and almost falling back asleep. "Wake up or I'm going to the hospital without you!" I yelled at him. My loud voice caused him to wake up, as well as Dabi and Toga. I could hear their footsteps approaching us slowly and quietly. "Why are you up right now?" Toga yawns, rubbing her eyes. Dabi stood quietly behind her. He looked like he was awake the entire night, not getting enough sleep. I heard a loud thud on the floor. Tamaki gets up quickly and turns the lamp on his nightstand. "Where's the hospital bag?!" he ran around the room in a panic as he opened all the wardrobe doors and looked under the bed.

"Ah! That's right! It's in the kitchen! "he rushed to the kitchen, making sure it was there. He pushed the two villains aside as he was dashing through the door. "So I guess it's time for the squirt to be born? Besides, what's the gender of the baby? " Dabi grumbled. I stay silent. "It's none of your business," I step out of the bed slowly. Tamaki runs back into the room with the bag around his torso. "First let's quickly change and then rush to the hospital! Let me help you change! " Without thinking, he ran to our wardrobe and grabbed the first thing he could find for me. He then put the bag down gently and, once again, pushed Dabi and Toga out of the doorway.

"Give us some privacy!" he slams the door in their face and quickly turns back to me. Tamaki gently pulls off my shirt and pants. When he finally let his brain take over, he realised what had happened and quickly turned away, throwing the clothes in his hand at my face. "Ah! I'm so sorry! I panicked and... "he started rambling, still with his back towards me. "It's alright! Just get changed and call your parents, Mirio, Nejire and Sakura! " Tamaki nodded and quickly walked out of our room, slamming the door behind him again.

With just the small amount of light in the room, I noticed that he had given him his hoodie and a pair of sweatpants.

Tamaki's POV:

"Oh god! I need to start being in control of my brain, "I look up from the ground and see that Dabi and Toga are still there. "I'll be joining you guys at the hospital! We need to keep an eye on you guys! " Toga chirps. She skips happily to her room and Dabi drags himself to his.

Y/N's POV:

"Done!" I slowly walked out of the room, letting Tamaki in to change. After he got changed, I stood in the garage with Toga, who was disguised as another human. "Sorry!" he quickly came in with the bag and placed it in the car and helped me in. After that, he drove off quickly. "You can take it slow! You're going to break a lot of road rules! Besides, my contractions haven't started! " Just then, I felt my first contraction. "Nevermind! Get to the hospital faster! " It was a bad idea for me to grab Tamaki's arm. I have no idea how, but Tamaki was driving in a straight line.

The nearest hospital was like 2 hours away, and it has already been 30 minutes. The toga was sitting in the back giggling silently to herself. "Toga! I swear to god, I'll murder you after this! " As soon as I said that, the engine stopped working. Shit-" Tamaki managed to move the car to the side. He was about to get out, but I pulled him back with my hand. "Fuck it! I'll just move the car with my quirk! " By now, my first contraction was over. I knew that I only had a few minutes until my next one.

I managed to move the car slowly, but never in my life, have I moved something this heavy with the extra weight of 3 people. With the few minutes that I had left before my next contraction, I managed to move the car about 3 metres. When the stupid contraction came, I had no choice but to stop the car. My head started pounding with a massive headache as I stopped my quirk. "Fuck my idea! Call a stupid taxi! " I yell at Tamaki. Startled, he dialled a number, and less than 5 seconds later, a black van rolled over. Nejire slammed open the door and helped me and Tamaki inside. When it was Toga's turn to get in, Nejire was hesitant to let her in.

"Just let her in!" I shout. My second contraction finally ended. "I'm not supposed to have them until 5 hours later. My water must've broken when I was still asleep. " "Good thing we were right behind you!" Mirio chuckles, looking back. 

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