Part 99

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A lot of hours later, I was laying in a hospital bed with contractions waiting for the baby to come out. Mirio, Nejire, Sakura, and Niko had just arrived. "You didn't get the gender results for this little one, right?" Niko asks, pointing to my giant belly.

I nod my head. Both me and Tamaki were excited about finding out the gender. Tamaki came through the doors with Akimitsu running towards me. "Don't go!" he wailed." I won't go anywhere, sweety. Who told you that?" Akimitsu looked at the floor. "You're in pain and you told me that the pain would eventually go away. That means you're also going away," he whimpers.

Just then, a nurse came in and got ready to push my bed. "We need to get her ready for delivery. Please wait outside the room," the nurse smiled. She grabbed a tube thing that was supposed to monitor my condition. Meanwhile, all my friends, Tamaki and Akimitsu, left the room and waited outside.

Tamaki's POV:

I sat down on a chair with Akimitsu clutching my shirt. About an hour later, Akimitsu fell asleep and this was when we started hearing screams. Akimitsu woke up crying to the sounds of his mother's screams.

Mirio reached out his arms to calm him down and, as I did with Akimitsu's birth, I stood up and started to pace. Nejire and Sakura tried their best to make me calm while Niko sat there listening to the screams. "It's a girl!" she cried. We all looked at her. "Bet it's another boy!" Nejire and Mirio said with a smile. Sakura let out a sigh as she sat back down.

Another hour passed by, and the five of us heard a cry. "Is the mummy crying?" Akimitsu asked, looking up at me. We let out a small laugh as the nurse came out with a smile. "It's a girl!" The nurse guided us into the room and walked into another room. I approached Y/N's bed with Akimitsu back in my arms. Y/N lay fast asleep, exhausted.

Akimitsu reached out his arm and placed his hand on Y/N's cheek. "Is the mummy going away?" His eyes started to tear up as he clutched at my shirt again. Once again, I let out a small chuckle as I shook my head, "No, she's just asleep."

The nurse came back out with a small baby girl in her arms. "Please tell me her name once you decide." She smiles, carefully placing the small, sleeping girl on a small bed. I walked towards the small bed and Akimitsu peered over, staring at his new baby sister. He reached out his hand and gently placed it on her tiny cheek.

The baby woke up crying loudly, causing Akimitsu to get a little startled. This also woke up Y/N. "That was a short nap," she laughs, obviously still exhausted. "What's her name going to be?" Nejire asks looking at us. Y/N looks at me nodding her head. "Himari," I smile. I put down Akimitsu to be the first one to pick up Himari. Giving her a soft smile before handing her over to Y/N, I picked up Akimitsu and sat next to Y/N on her bed.

Mirio, Nejire, Sakura, and Niko leave the room, leaving us alone. The three of us stared at Himari, who had just settled down and had fallen back asleep. "She is beautiful," Y/N whispers. "She's amazing," I say, kissing Y/N on her forehead. "She's tiny," Akimitsu blurted out once again, staring at his younger sister.

"Was I that small?" he asks. I nod my head, wrapping my arm around him. "It's your turn to hold her," Y/N smiled, slowly moving her arms towards Akimitsu. The young boy reached out his arms and held his younger sister carefully.

I looked over at Y/N, who was looking at our two children. Leaning down, I whispered into her ear, "I love you." She turns her head and repeats the words, "I love you too."


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