Confession! Kind of...

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I walk up to Tamaki. "So what did you want to talk about?". I could feel an intense atmosphere around us. "Y/N..." He begins. My heart starts pounding. I feel like I knew what he was going to say. "You like me?" I blurt out blushing and staring at the floor. My heart starts pounding even more! "Please tell me that was what you were going to say! If you don't then I'm jumping off this roof!" I think to myself. 

I clench my fists and start praying that he doesn't say that, that wasn't what he wanted to talk about. "H-how did you know?!" he asks. His eyes started to widen. I look up at him and a bit of weight lifted from my shoulders. "Eh, just a hunch. Also, I like you too. I started to like you about a month ago!" I say giving Tamaki a hug. "So does this mean you want to be my girlfriend?!" he asks hugging me back. I give him a kiss on the lips and say "Does that answer your question?"

He giggles and kisses me back. Suddenly the door flung open. We were still hugging each other and saw all of our classmates standing at the door. They all looked shocked and started whispering. We both quickly release our hug and just stand there blushing a new shade of red. 

We all stood there in silence. There was tension in the air. Suddenly the whole class cheered! We and Tamaki smiled. He walked around a corner and was holding a bouquet of roses and a teddy bear. "For you Y/N!" he hands me the roses and teddy bear.

The bouquet smelt amazing and the teddy bear was so adorable and soft. I hugged the bear tightly and thanked Tamaki. I then turn to my class and ask "How did you know that we were here?". One of them replied saying that Nejire ran into the cafeteria yelling that you both were going to make it official!. We all ran up here cause we wanted to see it!" They all started to cheer.

For some reason, I looked down at the ground from the roof. The entire school was staring in our direction with a curious look. I call my class and we all look down. We wave and walk away. After a bit, almost everyone left and it was just me, Tamaki, Mirio, and Nejire.

I walk over to Nejire and Mirio. They congratulate me.

Tamaki's POV"

I finally did it! I confessed to Y/N and she likes me back. I'm finally with the girl that I had a crush on. Y/N is currently talking to Mirio and Nejire. I walk up to them and hug Y/N and place my head on hers. 

"Thank you for being a part of my life." I mumble. Y/N looks up and asks, "What did you say?" I shake my head telling her not to worry about it. "Hey! Let's have a sleepover at mine! I'll text you all my address." Nejire says waving her hand.

Tamaki x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now