New Job

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Tamaki's POV:

I woke up with a massive headache greeting my head. I look around and found myself in my bedroom naked. I look towards my side, to see Y/N naked as well. My face went bright red as I remembered some things from last night. I throw on some shorts and wake up Y/N.  I throw her a shirt that was on the ground and she puts it on instantly.  "What happened?" I mumble, my face was still bright red. She starts explaining how Mirio dropped me home and everything else.

"You were a completely different person last night!" She laughs. I grab a towel and bury my face into it and head towards the shower without a word. I turn the tap, and hot water starts to splash my face. The memory from last night started replaying in me again, making my face even redder. "Why did I do that?!" I slap my hands over my face and quickly step out of the shower. I turn around and realise I didn't bring any clothes with me inside. 

"Y/N must be in the kitchen by now," I slowly open the door peeking my face out and see her laying on the floor, flat on her back. She turns towards me and looks at the clothes on the shelf. She carefully tries to get up and quickly dumps herself back on the bed before using her telekinesis to pass me my clothes. "Here you go," she smiles. I snatch my clothes from the air and quickly get dressed. 

My headache was still there. I guess I was experiencing my first hangover. When I finally step out of the room, Y/N was using her quirk to move and was already getting dressed into her old hero outfit. "Where are you going?" I ask her. She looks at me and points to the calendar. It was her first day to work at U.A. "What about the dorms?" I ask her. "They allowed me to live here for now. Since you're a pro, and I have my license, they said it was okay for me."

Y/N's POV:

I should really start practising using my quirk again. I need to be able to use my quirk throughout the entire day. "Thanks to you last night, I can't walk again," I laugh. Tamaki looks down to the ground with a bit of guilt shown on his face. "It's alright! I'll just take some medicine for my headaches later, besides I'm pretty sure the first class I'm helping with is a theory class," I assure. Tamaki walks up to me and picks me up. 

"For the rest of the day, I'm going to carry you around!" I shake my head, "It'll be really loud in the class for you. It'll make your headache worse," I start playing with his messy hair while he tries to open the door. When he finally stepped outside, Kumiko was outside our room with earplugs in her ears. "You guys were so loud," she walks off back into her room and locks the door behind her. 

Time skip: A few hours later

I park my car near the high school, making sure my car wasn't in the way. I slowly get out of the driver's seat almost falling down. "This is going to be a long day," I sigh. I grab my bag. I look down at my hero costume. It felt weird wearing it again. I sent it to the designers so they could program it to adjust its size according to how I want it. Walking through the gates again made me have a nostalgic feeling.

By memory, I make my way to the front office to get a map of the school, "Some things must've changed during the years," I examine the piece of paper the front desk lady gave me. Nope, nothing changed. I place the map into my bag and make my way to Principle Nezu's office. "Y/N! So happy to see you again! I want to be the first here to congratulate you on your first child!" the small mouse-like creature smiles.

It was nice seeing him again after all this time. "Here is your schedule! If you wish to discuss anything, please come straight to me!" Principle Nezu handed me a small swipe card and explained that it would allow me to go to any place I wanted. "You see, after the L.O.V escaped, we had our security system upgraded to the max and have special cards for the teachers and students," 

 Just then, I remembered about the contract. "Um, sir, there is something I think you should know about," I start off. Nezu's smiles disappear and the atmosphere in the room changes. 

"I have a contract with All for One..." Nezu looks at me and widens his eyes. "Don't say anything else for now. I'll call a meeting with the faculty and you can explain then. Meantime, take the time to get to know the new students. After the first years, back when you were a third year, we had many promising young heroes joining our school!" Nezu dismisses me and allows me to talk with some of the new students.

We are finally getting somewhere!

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