Wedding (Pt. 1)

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Tamaki's POV:

A few months have passed and my life has been completely hectic. Me and Y/N have been going to various venues trying to find a place to get married. Eventually, we found a gorgeous place that was held at (whatever location you want). "The wedding is tomorrow and we still need the cake ready and I need to pick up the dresses!" Y/N screamed.

Y/N walked around the hall yelling at the decorators where to place the decorations and how to put them up. I was hiding in the corner watching the decorators moved around frantically trying to avoid being yelled at. "Good luck bud!" Mirio walked up to me staring at Y/N yelling. "I never thought that this is what she would be like," Nejire chuckles.

Y/N heard her and immediately rushed to us, "Dresses! We need to get the dresses! " She grabbed Nejire by her arm and ran out of the hall, bumping into Sakura and Niko. "You're coming as well," she smiled. She grabbed them both as well and ran to her car and started driving.

I look around the room and see the workers starting to relax. All of them turned their eyes to me, waiting for directions. "Uh, just do what you think would be nice?" I shrug and hide behind Mirio. He started laughing as the decorators started to continue putting up the decor.

Y/N's POV:

"Why is there traffic?" I yell honking the car. None of the cars moved for at least 15 minutes. People have started getting out and talking to each other. "F**k this! Everybody out! " I push everyone out and lift them all with my telekinesis. "This is faster!" I take us all to the wedding dress shop to see the dresses. "Wow Y/N! Calm down, "Niko says holding her mouth. I ignore her and only get us to the shop faster. I slam open the door quickly and make my way to the back of the shop.

Opening the door, I saw the owner and a few employees working on my dress. "I'm here!" The owner looked up and saw me panting and Nejire and Sakura behind me. "Um, Y/N, you should probably have some water," Sakura handed me a bottle but I pushed it away.

"Is the dress ready?" I asked walking up to the owner. She nods her head, signalling her employees to stop. I examine every little feature of the dressmaking to make sure it's perfect. The owner looked at me with a tense expression, waiting for my reaction.

"Show me the bridesmaid dresses," I keep my gaze on the dress until the other dresses come out. Sakura and Niko approached the dresses as well as examining their features. "How about the maid of honour?" The employee rushed back to collect the fourth dress.

I moved all the four dresses together and stared at them. Everyone in the room looked at me waiting anxiously. "I should pay you more," I take out a wad of cash and give it to the owner. "Amazing job! Also, please make sure you finish the last little details and make sure that they arrive on the day of the wedding, "I smile. I wave and leave the shop with Sakura, Nejire and Niko.

Now it was time for the cake. When we got there, the cake was already sitting on the counter waiting for us to arrive. "Wow!" Sakura looked at the cake with amazement and was tempted to eat it.

"Thank you! Make sure it arrives on time and one-piece, "I pay the baker and walk out of the shop. "We only needed to check on two things. Why the big fuss? " Nejire laughed. I stop and glare at her. "This is the first time something nice is happening without the LOV appearing! Everything needs to be perfect! " I glare at the three females before activating my telekinesis again.

Time skip: At night

"Mummy! Daddy!" Akimitsu ran into our arms with Tamaki's parents following him from behind. "Hi baby!" I kissed both of the little boys' cheeks and put them down again. "Thank you for looking after him aunty and uncle," I smile.

The two of them smile and wave goodnight, "See you tomorrow dear! I'm sure everything will go smoothly. " I closed the door behind them and tucked Akimitsu to sleep before dumping myself on the couch.

Babe, don't you think you were a bit crazy today? I mean, it was just two things that you needed to check up on and the decorators were the best in the city. " Tamaki placed a kiss on my forehead and laid next to me with his arms around me.

"Remember we used to do this all the time back in high school?" I chuckle. He remained silent, staring at the ceiling. I lifted my face to look at him. "Seven years," he chuckles, "Seven years and we're finally getting married. I never thought I would actually get married. "he laughs. 

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