Will You...? (Tamaki's POV)

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My alarm goes off at about 5 AM. It was a bit loud, and I was afraid that Y/N would wake up. "Switch it off babe!" She grunts as she turns to the other side. I switch it off and quietly get out of bed. I grab my suit that I was going to wear and the box with the gift for Y/N. 

I quietly walk out of the room and place another note on the dining table and walk outside. The sun had barely rised and I was just standing out there in the cold. "Maybe I should've woken up later." I wait outside for a couple of hours waiting for her to walk out. The sun was just about to rise when Y/N walked out with a confused sleepy look on her face. "What's this?" she asks. I remain silent feeling nervous as I hand over the box to her. "Put this on and come back outside." I smile. 

She looks at it for a moment and then takes it out of my hands. I hand her the paper before she returns inside. I quickly hop in my car that was already sitting on the driveway and drive off to the park where I was going to ask her to marry me. As I was about to leave the driveway, Y/N opened the door, and without thinking, I just zoomed out of the driveway not looking if any cars were passing by. Luckily, no cars were in the way, "It is still early in the morning. Not many cars should be out." I think to myself.

About 30 minutes pass, and I had just parked the car and received a text from Mirio saying that he was coming with Eri and that Y/N had already collected the next note. I leave him a thumbs up and quickly run to the spot. Both of our families and some of our old classmates were already there. They all waved and wished me luck. It made me think that Y/N was going to say no for some reason. "Why did I invite so many people?" I start to get nervous and try to stay out of sight of everyone. It worked until Mirio came with Eri and yelled out my name drawing everyone's eyes towards me.

"Tamaki! Nejire is already on her way. But I do a question about-" he pauses as he notices me pacing around back and forth. "What's wrong?" he puts his hand on my shoulder trying to calm me down. "What if Y/N says no? Now that I think about it, this entire thing is really simple. I feel like I should've gone with another idea, and I don't exactly know what I'm going to say to her!" I start blabbering about what I'm afraid of and I could feel my heart beating really fast.

Mirio starts laughing with his hand still placed on my shoulder. "First off, if Y/N didn't want to spend the rest of her life with you, she would've broken up with you already! And it's too late to change the plan, you need to go with it. But I do agree, this idea is kind of simple." he pats my shoulder and hugs me. "Well no matter what, she will definitely say yes!" Nejire says with a joyful tune. "But seriously, why couldn't you ask Sakura to deliver the final note instead of a random note?" she laughs.

I shrug and explain that Sakura wanted to be here for the moment, and she knows that she'll be too late. The dude is my cousin who I'm the closest with." Nejire shrugs and joins in with the hug. "Well, that answers my question!" Mirio chuckles. I felt a tap on my shoulder and turn around to see my father pointing at a woman wearing the outfit I gave Y/N. 

I tell everyone to get into position and stand in the centre with a giant teddy bear and a bouquet sitting next to me on the soft grass. I make the tiny box holding a ring inside visible. I could hear Y/N's footsteps approaching and the group of people standing in front of me open up slowly revealing my future wife approaching me. She stops for a minute to take everything in. "What is all this?" she laughs. You could clearly see the surprised look pasted on her face. I slowly approach her and gently grab her hand and walk her back to the centre of the circle. 

My heart started pounding again, as I could feel a lot of eyes following us. I pick up the giant stuffed bear and flowers and hand them over to Y/N. "Well that's the second teddy I received today," she turns around to place it down. She drops the flowers when she turns around and finds me bending down on one knee holding an open tiny box with a diamond ring. She remains still trying to process what is happening, 

"I haven't prepared to say anything for this moment, but here goes. You've been there by my side whenever I needed someone. I love that about you and many other things. I love that you make everyone feel safe and happy when they're around you.  I love that you are always kind to people no matter who they are. You saved me countless times and I know you will continue in the future. I knew you were the one for me when we first started dating. You made me a more confident person now then I was back in high school. Even though I still am shy. Like I am freaking out right now about being the centre of attention and having everyone's eyes on me. But I will repeat this whenever just to be with you. Now that I said all that, it is finally my turn, to make you the happiest person on this earth only if you say yes to my question, Y/N, will you marry-" Before I could say the last word, Y/N screams yes and hugging me tightly.

"How's the ring?" I ask sliding it onto her finger, she shrugs and just looks at me with the softest smile, "I don't care about the ring, as long as I get to spend every day with you, I'm happy." she gives me another kiss and helps me get up. My heart started to settle down, and happiness started to fill my body. Everyone came running up to us, hugging and congratulating us. 

"Your stuck with me now!" she laughs. I give her another kiss holding her hand. "Congratulations!" Sakura yelled. Everyone started crowding us trying to see the ring. We had a mini party that lasted for a few hours and eventually, everyone went home. The only people left, was us and both of our parents. "Congratulations honey!" my mum comes up to me giving me another big hug and my dad stands in front of me with tears covering his eyes. 

Y/N's parents come over to her both of them hugging her crying, "My baby has grown up finally!" we all started laughing and started to chat. Eventually, we all went home. We both remained silent in the car. Neither of us knew how to start the conversation. "Can we get married after the baby is born?" I look at her and smile. "Sure! That's probably the best idea, gives us more time to plan the wedding." I say looking back onto the road.

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