Boy or Girl? (Part 2)

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Y/N's POV:

"Get out of the way!" A nurse yelled. A bunch of the employees were pushing my wheelchair to an emergency room. "Um, I don't think this is necessary. I still have a few hours before I give birth, " I laugh nervously. One of the nurses behind me looked back at me and started to say, "Well, three pro heroes came with you, and you are the CEO of the biggest company in the world. We want to give you the best treatment we can provide. "

I felt a little bothered about the way that this staff was treating me because of my social status. We finally approached the emergency room, and the nurses helped me into the bed and left me alone in the room. All the equipment that was needed for birth was already prepared. Tamaki, Nejire and Mirio came into the room after a few minutes. "How are you feeling?" Tamaki inquires, clutching my hand.

"I'm fine, besides the contractions and other pains, I'm fine," I smile. Mirio and Nejire start to pace. "Oh, where's Sakura?" I ask, turning my head towards the door. I haven't heard a word from her in a while. "She said that she'll come later," Nejire replies. I nod my head and turn my attention back to Tamaki.

Nejire's POV:

A few hours later, and it was finally time for Y/N to give birth to her baby. "We'll need to ask all of you to leave the room please," a doctor asked. Tamaki was hesitant but eventually agreed to leave the room. "Ugh! I need to be by her side! " a nurse closed the door behind us, Sakura came running up to us. "Sorry I'm late, did Y/N give birth yet?" she panted.

We all shake our heads and take a seat except for Tamaki. He started pacing around as he heard screaming coming from the other side of the door. "Come on! Push! " he heard one of the doctors yell. "I need to be in there!" he cried. He was walking faster now, sweat was dripping down his face. "Don't worry Tamaki! She'll be fine, the baby will be fine. " I got up from my spot and offered it to him.

Again, he looked at the seat with hesitance and glanced back at the door. "Push one more time!" the doctor yelled. Mirio was staring at the ground with a worried look on his face. Sakura, on the other hand, was just staring at the wall with her eyes wide open. It was as if I was the only one that was calm at the moment. I do have to admit though, it was making me really anxious. "What if something goes wrong?!" Tamaki yelped. He heard even louder screams coming from the other side. "Almost done! We can see the head! " the doctors yelled.

Tamaki got up and leaned his head against the wall as he did back in high school. "It's going to be okay. It's going to be okay. It's going to be okay. " he kept on repeating the same sentence over and over again to himself. Minutes went by and we could hear the word push and a lot of painful screams.

"That's it! I should be in there holding her hand and comforting her! " Tamaki shouts. He was about to get towards the door but then walked back towards us. "What if me being there, disrupts their concentration? What if I freak out and mess something up?! " The poor guy continued pacing around the hallway.

"For god's sake! Just sit down and calm the hell down! " I yell. A snicker from around the corner was heard. I turn my attention towards it, to find Toga's disguise's head peeking around the corner. We all glared at her. Her smile widens as she slowly disappears around the corner.

"That's it! One last push, you're almost there! " A loud baby cry was coming from the other side of the room as a loud round of applause started. The door was flung open by a doctor, "Would the father please come in?" Tamaki slowly walks towards the door.

Tamaki's POV:

The moment I step through that door, a new chapter in my life will begin, " I take a deep breath and place my left foot into the room, "Here goes!" I take another step, pushing my right leg forward towards Y/N. She was lying down on the bed, with her eyes struggling to keep open. "Where's the baby?" I asked one of the nurses. "The baby was taken for cleaning. In the meantime, would you be able to fill out this form?" the nurse handed me a clipboard with some papers on it.

"Just fill out your and your wife's contact information! Once that's done, I'll be able to record the baby's information. " I take the clipboard from her and fill everything out with a trembling hand. In just a few minutes, I would be able to see my beloved child and find out its gender.

After filling it out, I give it to the nurse and she quickly jots down the baby's birth timing and date. "What's the name of your child?" she asks. I gave her a response, saying that I don't know the gender of my baby yet. "So your wife hasn't told you yet?" she asks, confused. I nod my head as she hands me the clipboard once again. "Oh, I'm not married yet," I chuckle. The nurse looks at me confused, and says, "Y/N said to call in her husband after she passed out, sorry for the misunderstanding." I shake my head and

"Well, once she's awake, ask her to fill out the form," the nurse smiles and walks away, leaving me and Y/N alone. 

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