Part 88

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Y/N's POV:

After a few more classes, it was finally recess. "I forgot how hard school was," I sigh, collapsing on the floor. Mirio chuckles and sits down on the ground next to me. "Y/N, please come to the faculty room," Nezu announced on the speakers. Along with me, a bunch of other pro heroes and Mirio and teachers went along to the faculty room. I knocked on the door, and a tiny mouse opened it. "Welcome! Please take a seat over there," Nezu pointed towards a chair next to his. "Y/N, since you have a contract with All for One, we'll like you to explain the details of your contract and how it happened."

I began to explain it and talk about how I had less than a year of freedom left and the switching between Toga and Dabi to Kumiko. "I heard about Kumiko before. She was personally trained by All for One along with Shigaraki. Based on the rumours, they say that All for One gave her, her quirk. Others claim that her quirk was stolen. Aizawa explains, "We can't do anything until we know about her quirk. She's very dangerous."

Just then, Kumiko's clue came to my head, "She gave me a clue about her quirk," I started. The faculty stared at me waiting for me to answer, "10%." Everyone in the room looked at me puzzled, "10% could mean a lot of things," Mirio mumbles. Nezu gets up and leaves the room. A couple of minutes later, his voice appeared on the speakers, "All students, please go to your dorms now, classes have ended for today."

Just as he finished his announcement, we could hear confused student's footsteps walking past the closed door. "I believe we should contact Deku," All Might suggested. Everyone, except me and Mirio, nods. "What does he have to do with this?" I ask. All Might turns his head towards me and says, "Deku has my quirk. He is the only one who can defeat All for One." My jaw dropped, "Is he the reason why you're no longer the symbol of peace?" I ask. The former hero shakes his head, "That villain had injured me a long time ago and had affected my quirk. You see that quirk has a long history, and was originally All for One's." All Might goes on explaining the history of One for All.

"Does anyone else know?" I ask. Mirio remained quiet, still trying to process this information. All Might nod his head, "Only us and a few other trusted people." An hour went by and Nezu had just entered the room with Midoriya behind him. "Hey Deku, it's been a while! You've grown!" Midoriya waves to me and takes a seat next to Mirio.

"Sorry, it took me so long. So, what's the problem?" he asks. I tell him about the contract and explain the clues I got. "10%... hm," he scratches his head for a minute, "Ah! That's the chance of a newborn not being born with a quirk," he laughs. All Might nods his head towards Midoriya. "Ah, that's right! All Might told me that he told you about All for One and One for All's history. Lucky for us, I've mastered this quirk awhile ago and now can use 100% and all of the other quirks in it!" Mirio stands up with excitement, "That means we have a decent chance of winning! We should strike now!"

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves, we still need to learn more about the contract and we need to plan and contact more pros. If you haven't noticed, some of us are getting old now. We need to call our previous students. This is also Y/N's call, it is her life on the line," Nezu speaks.

I nod my head, "We should wait for the contract to finish, then we can strike. This is the address I'm supposed to go to by the end of next year." I quickly scribble an address on a piece of note and hand it to Midoriya. "Well, at least we have almost a year to plan!" He chuckles.

Nezu dismisses everyone, "Y/N, what I said about the dorms earlier, that all changes now. You have to stay in U.A. until this is all over." Nezu says, "We don't have any space in the teacher's dorms right now, so you're going to have to go to the student's one. You can have your old dorm room, no one is using it at the moment." He gives me a key and tells me to run back home to pack some things.

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