Another 18+ (Drunk Tamaki)

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A/N: Another 18+ and again it's somewhere in the middle of this chapter. It'll be in bold:

------> 18+ <------

Also srry for all the time skips in this chapter!

Y/N's POV:

"Finally home!" I step out of the car and open the back seat, lifting Akimitsu from his baby seat. "Why is the front door open?" Tamaki asks as he peeks his head through. "Everything still seems to be here. I don't think the person left yet.

"Oh, that's right! Toga and Dabi left and a woman called Kumiko is watching us for the rest of the time until it's my turn for the contract. She looks harmless, but I still don't know what her quirk is. Dabi and Toga don't seem fond of her though. " I continued talking as I walked inside. I walked down the hallway to our bedroom and saw the door unlocked. "It's been a while!" Kumiko says, smiling.

I glare at her as I put my bag down and walk out of the room to Akimitsu's room. "Oh come on! Don't be like that!" she laughs, following me into the room next door. "You could've at least waited outside," I placed my son in his cot, where he started waving his tiny arms and legs in the air. "That's a cute son you have there! What's his name?" she asks.

"Akimitsu," I turn around and walk past her. "You know I still need to meet that fiancée of yours! He must know about me by now!" She smiles. "He's in the kitchen, seeing that you let yourself in, I presume that you know where it is?" I leave her without letting her answer and walk back into my room, locking the door behind me.

Time skip: 3 hours later

"Where is Tamaki? It's almost midnight!" Just then, I could hear Akimitsu crying through the wall. I unlock the door and again bump into Tamaki. "She's dangerous," he mumbles and walks straight past me. He looked extremely worn out and immediately took off his shirt and just went straight to sleep. I open the door to Akimitsu's room and find the stranger standing next to his cot holding him, rocking him to sleep.

"I could've done that myself," I gently take my baby away from her. He started crying again and punching the air. "He's hungry," she smiles. I turned around and left the room and made my way to the kitchen where his milk was. I give Akimitsu his bottle and he starts drinking it immediately, calming down. "What is her quirk?!" She made Tamaki even more tired than he already should be, Toga and Dabi hate her.

Just then, Kumiko walks out and stands next to me staring at the baby in my arms. "I'll give you an obvious clue of what my quirk is." She says, "10% chance," she walks away, leaving me alone in the kitchen. Akimitsu pushes his milk bottle away and lets out an adorable yawn. "Let's get you to sleep!" I smiled, kissing him on his forehead. I walked back into his room and placed him gently in his cot. He falls asleep immediately.

I made my way back into my room and lay down next to Tamaki, who was fast asleep. "10% chance, what does that mean? Is that the name of her quirk? Maybe if a quirk hits her, then she can copy it with an increase of power by 10%?" I started making theories in my head before I fell asleep.

Another time skip: 2 months later

It's been two months and I still don't know what Kumiko was talking about, 10%? That could mean anything! I had to stop thinking just for today since it was my bachelorette party. Nejire and Sakura picked me up from my house and took me to this fancy club. Tamaki was also going to a club with Mirio. But the one he was going to was on the other side of the city. "Finally! A girl's day out!" Nejire squealed. She made us all wear these short red dresses. When we actually got in, I didn't dare touch a drink. Akimitsu was spending the rest of the week at Tamaki's parent's house in America. I was trying hard to have fun, but I was mainly worried about Tamaki. He doesn't like big crowds or strangers.

The day went on and I was extremely surprised to be in a club that was open on that day. Nejire and Sakura got drunk in the evening, and I was the one who had to drive them home. I didn't really do much, I just sat down scrolling through my phone and rejecting men who kept asking me to dance.

WARNING!!!: ------> 18+ <------ (DRUNK TAMAKI) Pls don't report! Just scroll down or exit the story if you don't want to read it!

When I finally got myself home, I was surprised that Tamaki was still not home. Just then, the doorbell rang and Mirio walked in with Tamaki looking completely drunk. "Take care of him Y/N, this is the first time I saw him drink this much," Mirio said. He waved good night and left me. "What could've happened?" A lot of ideas come to mind. I shrugged it off and took Tamaki to our room and let him lay down. I head to the bathroom to take a shower.

When I came back out in my towel, he was standing there waiting for me. When Tamaki saw me, he went completely red. He quickly grabbed my arm and took me to the bed, with my back facing it. He placed his lips roughly on mine and pushed me on the bed while not breaking the kiss. Without thinking, I dropped my towel incomplete shock, revealing my naked body. In his drunk state, he seemed aware of my current situation and finally broke the kiss, just to remove his shirt.

He threw it aside, revealing his muscular torso. Tamaki shoves me down onto the bed, where he is now on top of me. Without warning, again he leans in to kiss me, but this time goes on my neck. He began to move his hands down to my thighs, rubbing them.

His face and lips started to go lower, and his hand higher, up to my chest where he started playing with one of my boobs and kissing my shoulder. I could feel my face exploding with redness. He grabbed my left breast tightly, making me moan. He got off me and began removing his pants and underwear. I didn't move, even though he was drunk, I barely recognized him from his actions. He got up from the bed and moved me into position, with my hands and knees on the bed, and butt in the air. He inserts his dick with care and moves back and forth slowly at first, then goes faster.

A long moan came out of my mouth. Tamaki moves back and takes his dick out of my body. He picks me up and slams me back onto the bed, then climbs on top of me again. He goes in for another bite from my neck, making his way down back to my chest area. With each bite, a purple mark was left behind. I tried my best to remain silent since Kumiko was in the next room. My face was staring at the ceiling and I could feel him moving his lips moving into a smile. When he got to my chest, he placed both hands on my boobs and started playing with them again.

After he was done, he slithered his arms around my back and gently picked me up and sat up straight, placing me on his lap. I let my body take over in defeat. Tamaki leans towards my ear and whispers, "I know you're holding back. Don't." I nod my head slightly and let my arms wrap themselves around his warm body. He looked me in the eyes, hypnotizing me into his trance.

He leans in for another deep kiss and places his soft lips against mine. Again, he was about to push me back onto the bed to pin me, but he was disturbed by a loud knock on the door. He ignored it and went in for a kiss. "Y/N? You there? I'm coming in! " The voice was a bit muffled and we couldn't really hear anything. My senses came back to me and I tried to push Tamaki off. But I was too late. The door swung open and we could hear the person's footsteps coming towards the room we were in. I tried to push Tamaki off again, but he stayed put and continued to kiss me.

The door to our room swung open to my room, and Mirio stood there frozen. He quickly turned around, with a red face. "I'm sorry! I should've knocked, " he slams the door behind him, leaving Tamaki still kissing me. "Okay, that's enough," I mumble, pushing his face away. Tamaki groans and doesn't get off me

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