Part 87

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Y/N's POV:

I walked up to some students, who seemed to be in their second year. "Hi, I'm (hero name)! I'm a new teacher here," I start. One of the girls whispers to another girl. Wow, nothing really has changed. "Um, who? I've never heard of you..." a student mumbles. Another one was scrolling through their phone and showed the person mumbling a picture. "Oh, you're Y/N. I didn't know you used to go here," he smiles.

A few seconds later, the bell rings, and all the kids walk to their classes. I reach into my bag to see which class I have first. "Shoot! I forgot to get the schedule!" I walk around pacing wondering what to do. Even though Nezu is nice, he can be scary at times. I see a familiar spot. The same area I sat on my first day and when I met Mirio. Maybe if I sit there again, someone will hopefully be late and take me with them to their class.

I sit down staring into the distance, hoping and waiting. "What happened to leaving the past in the past?" A familiar voice spoke. I turn around to Mirio staring down at me, "Honestly Y/N, if you want to do this again, just say something," he grabs my arm and drags me to the class he was going to.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him. He looks at me with a huge grin, "Principle Nezu called me and Nejire here a few days ago. But unfortunately, she couldn't come, so it's just me." She must have a hangover. Just then, Mirio stopped on the spot, making me bump into him. "About last night," my face turned instantly red as I remembered Mirio walking in on me and Tamaki, "Tamaki called asking me to make sure you don't walk too much. So, get on my back!" he smiles. "Eh?!" Mirio lowered himself to make it easier to get on him.

"Um, yeah no thanks!" I walk past him, but just then my quirk deactivates and makes me fall to the ground. All the things in my bag fell out. A bad headache entered my head, and I tried to reach for my water bottle and the panadol. "Maybe, I could use a bit of help. But I'm not going to get on your-"Mirio ignored me and just picked up my bag and then me. "Come on Y/N! You're teaching the same class I'm going to.

Mirio ran to a classroom and barged in. Unlucky for me, Midnight was teaching. People were staring at us. I wanted to disappear as people started to whisper and laugh aloud. Normally I don't care, but this is too embarrassing. "Mirio, you can put me down now!" I whisper into his ear. He nods his head with a smile and puts me down gently. I struggle to be able to stay still. My legs ached a lot and the students were just watching me struggle.

I could even hear Midnight snickering. I look at her and she gives me a look, knowing what was going on. "Students, this is Y/N, also known as (hero name), even better known as the former CEO of the largest tech company in the world. I'm sure you guys will make her feel re-welcomed," she smiles.

One of the students in the bag puts up his hand, "Why are you struggling to stand up?" they ask curiously. I keep my mouth shut and once again, my face turns red. "It's because she had a spicy night last night!" Midnight giggles. The class remained silent and the pro turned to look at Mirio with a sneaky look. He quickly shakes his head and whispers in her ear, "It's Tamaki." Midnight looked startled and started to choke on her own spit.

"I didn't think he had the guts!" she laughs. I wanted to punch both of them on the spot. "You know she has a baby boy!" Mirio laughs. Midnight's eyes light up as she rushes up to me, pleading for photos. "Don't you have a class to teach?" I said to her. She pouts and turns back to her class. "Oh, that's right!" A scrawny old man with blondish-greyish hair walks in.

"I am here!" he shouts. The same old All Might. Even though he lost his quirk, he was still my hero. "Ah, young Y/N! So good to see you again!" he leans in for a hug. I was a little startled and just stayed still. He hugged Mirio as well, who hugged him back. "Sorry, it's just that none of my old students came back," he laughs.

"Um, sir, what do you mean by return?" another student asks. To be honest, I kinda forgot that they were here. "That's what today's lesson is about! Change into your sports uniform and meet me on the field!" All Might walks out of the classroom with Mirio following him. I still didn't understand why he was here. "I want to see Eri," my mind started to play random memories of this school through my head.

While we were waiting for the last few students to get dressed, one of the other students asked me a few questions, "(Hero name), what was it like at U.A. back then?" I answer with, "It was fun, but I spent the entire year either cooking for my dorm or fighting the L.O.V," I tell them a few stories about my year at school.

After a few more questions, a hologram screen appeared with a video. "This is old footage back when Y/N was young. Back when the stronger new generation of heroes was being trained and when it started! Y/N here could easily be one of the top 20 pro heroes in the world. She still has the option right now! Anyways, watch this video of one of her fights with one of her rivals!" All Might says, pointing to the video

"Excuse me, but I'm still young, I'm 23," I said, but no one listened. A loud voice started off with the video. Of course, it belonged to Present Mic. No one does a better commentary than him.

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