Part 89

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Y/N's POV:

"I'm going to be living in the dorms at UA," I say while stuffing my things inside two suitcases. "How long? I thought you didn't have to!" Tamaki starts to try and stop me from leaving the house. "Don't worry, I'll be fine, but meantime, I'm not allowed to come home or make contact with you for a while. Nezu will call you when he needs you at a meeting. Make sure to take care of yourself! Also, I already called your parents and arranged for them to move to the other side of the world." I was about to take a step outside, but Tamaki grabbed my hand, "What about Akimitsu?" He asks.

"Let's just say something big is going to happen!" I load my suitcases into my car and kiss Tamaki. "See you in a few months!" I wave goodbye and drive off. I could see the upset male in the rear mirror. Once I was in the middle of the road, I shook my head and focused on driving. 

Out of nowhere, I hear a stomp on the top of my car's roof. The car suddenly started getting really hot and the air was almost impossible to breathe. "Careful Dabi! We want her alive!" a chirpy voice said. "Whatever," I hear. Some blue flames start to appear through the roof of the car. I pull to a sudden break, throwing Dabi onto the road. He immediately got up and the roof of my car came crashing down while scratching me. 

Kumiko grabbed me and pulled me out. "Seems like you figured out my obvious clue. You know Y/N, your not that bright!" she laughs. She punches my stomach, making me coughing some blood out. Again she punches me, but this time my face and causing me to get knocked out. 

I don't know how long it has been, but when I woke up, I found myself tied to a machine and an old man sitting in a chair not too far from me. "Ah, you finally woke up!" The old man laughs. "You broke the simplest rule! Don't tell anyone about our contract. Yet you do anyway," All for One said, approaching from the shadows. "What are you going to do to me?!" I struggle trying to get out. My quirk was no use. I couldn't even untangle myself.

"Lucky for us, you woke up just in time! We finally completed the first formula to test on you," The old man approached me holding a needle with some blood in it. "That looks like blood though," I mumble. All for One shakes his head and laughs. "There is a formula in it that makes it look like blood."

The old man stabs the needle into my arm and steps back. "Now to wait," All for One laughed again. A surge of pain filled my body. It was as if it was about to burst into pieces. A few moments later, I started screaming in pain and could feel tears rolling down my cheeks. "Make it stop!" I cry. All for One ignored my plea and stared at me watching me. A few moments later, the pain stopped and I could feel a flow of a powerful source flow through my body. "It works!" The old man applauded. 

But then, again the pain came back, but this time even more extreme. "That's not supposed to happen! What's going on?!" The old man quickly ran to the machine and started checking the screen, "It says here, that Y/N has 3 quirks now!" The old man looked at One for All who had a huge smirk on his face, "Impossible... I thought I was the only one," he slowly walked towards me. I was still screaming in pain and could feel my chest slowly ripping apart. Through my tears, I could see All for One walking towards me. "She's turning into a Nomu! I'll go get the antidote," the old man rushed out of the room and a few seconds came back with another formula.

He again stabbed me with it and my skin started to feel normal again. Blood started dripping onto the floor. "Go get Toga and prepare a surgery room," All for One smiles. "Stitch the skin back together and also get Toga for me, I think she'll like the view of Y/N's state at the moment. My breathing started to get heavier and I could feel more blood trickling down my torso. "Fuck off," I mutter and then passed out. 

I don't know when, but my eyes slowly opened and I found myself in a hospital room. Tamaki was sitting next to me with his head placed on my hospital bed. Mirio, Nejire and Sakura were also asleep on the chairs in a corner of the room. I nudge Tamaki a little, not wanting him to wake up, but also wanting answers. "It's nowhere near midnight," the sleepyhead groaned. I look around and see a clock. It was currently 5:30, but I didn't know if it was morning or night. 

I nudge Tamaki again hoping he would wake up. This time, he moves around for a bit and eventually get's up. "Ouch, my back," he stretches and yawns while almost hitting me. "Watch it," I giggle. Tamaki froze and stared at me. "What?" I ask starting to panic. He started to burst into tears, waking up the other three. "What's wrong?!" Nejire asks. She looks towards me with a disbelief look on her face. She rubbed her eyes quickly and stares at me once again. "Y-Y/N? Is that you?..." her voice breaks up as she also burst into tears.

Mirio and Sakura broke into tears as well. "Don't you ever do that again bitch!" Sakura cries. Mirio wipes his eyes and approaches me. "Why are you all crying? What happened with All for One and that old guy?!" I ask.

The 4 of them look at me happily, "It's all over, we won't have to see the league ever again!" Tamaki smiles. "But how did I end up here?" I ask, "Why were you all crying? How long was I out for?!" Nejire looks at me with concern. "Y/N, you've been out for a year. This whole war is over thanks to you and Deku and all the other pros," she says wiping her eyes, "If you hadn't woken up at that moment, we would've lost," I was really confused at this moment.

"Why didn't you tell us that you had another quirk?!" Sakura yells. "I guess I forgot?" I chuckle nervously. "How do you forget that?!" they all yell. A nurse comes in to see what the loud noise was. When she saw me, she froze and called for the doctors. 

A/N: I'll be writing what happened in the next chapter so that one might be a bit long. It'll also be based on the actual fight in the manga. So if you haven't read the manga yet, it's going to be a spoiler!

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