New Life

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Flying to America was actually kind of scary. Different country, on the other side of the world from my home, and far away from my friends. When the plane landed, I waved to Sakura who was now getting into a taxi to some city. She didn't tell me what city her college was in, so I was praying that no one found out about her old self. I hopped into my taxi and I told the driver to drive to LA, California.

My parents want me to study business so I can look after Dad's company after he retires. I easily could've gone to another place in Japan, but with League of Villains, there, my parents didn't want me to get distracted or hurt more.

When I finally arrived at the college after a long drive, it felt nice to stretch my legs. I quickly unload all my things and pay the driver. Once I get my things together, I take a good look at the campus and get ready to take my first step in. That is until I hear a bag drop from behind me. "Y/N??" I turn around to see Sakura. I smile at her and pick up her bag like everything was normal.

Except on the inside, I was shocked to see her here! "Come on, classes already started." I take her hand and try to drag her along with me while trying to find the principal's office. We were inside a corridor looking around when we heard a couple of distant voices coming from a corner. "Hurry up Alex!" a female voice said turning the corner in a rush. She bumps into me making my things scatter across the floor. Sakura helped me up and gather my bags. "I'm so sorry!" a young female apologized. "I was in a rush to get to class!". Around the corner, a guy came walking looking a lot like this girl we were talking to.

They both had brown hair with hazel eyes. The guy looked like he was somewhere about six feet tall and the girl looked like she was about 5'8. "Oh, you must be new students! My name is Zoey and this is my younger twin brother Alexander, but you can call him Alex," she said changing her expression from a guilty one to a happy one. We both nod and ask where the principal's office is. "Down the hall and then turn left and then right! We can sho-" Zoey was cut off as the bell rings. 

"Shoot our next class is about to start!" Alex grabs Zoey and starts running another direction. As me and Sakura approach the principal's office, I start to feel more nervous with each step. Sakura looked calm and silent. She knocks on the door and we wait for a response, "Come in." a stern voice said as we open the door. The principal looks up and sees us. Her stern face turns into a smile as she says, "Welcome to this college, where you will be learning business. I presume that you are Sakura and Y/N?". We both nod feeling a bit uneasy. 

The room was dark and the windows were shut. The blinds were all the way down and it was just a room with a desk and 3 chairs, and a small cabinet filled with files. The principal stands up with two pieces of paper in her hands and gives them to us, "Your dorm is 3B. Your classes will start next week, so use the time from now and Sunday to settle in and learn your way around campus.". She hands us a map and opens her mouth again, "In this college, none of the students has strong quirks or a hero license. Please keep your hero licenses' hidden and don't tell anyone about which high school you went previously." The principal told us a lot more things like we had 2 more dormmates that are twins, one boy and one girl. She also told us, that the college prepared a secret arena near the campus, only the teachers and us have access to it. Lastly, she told us that all students were allowed to use their quirks for small things

As we both leave the office, Sakura grabbed a map from the principal, so we know where the dorms and the arena are. "You should probably take a photo of that. Don't want our dormmates to find out." I laugh. I started to get tired, and use my quirk to carry all our things. "If your wondering, I kept my hero license in case if I run into a problem, or an agency needs help," she says. When we reach our dorm, I open it and take everything inside. The rooms were pretty big and there were two-bedroom doors on either side. I take a quick peek in the room on the right and see things already there. I tap Sakura, who was looking at all the rubbish and instant noodle cups around.

"Our room is this one." I lead her to the left bedroom which only had two beds on either side of the room. I dump our things on one of the beds and open a door that leads to the bathroom. It looked pretty clean. "Well um, we should unpack and then clean this dorm," I say already unpacking. Sakura nods her head again and does the same. About an hour later, we unpacked most of our things and it was almost 3 pm. Our roommates should be coming any second. I lead Sakura outside the room and force her to wait for the other people to arrive.

Suddenly, I remember something that I got for her. I walk back to my bag and take out a bag with clear gloves. I walk back into the room and give the gloves to Sakura. "I got Yaoyorozu to make these thin, but indestructible gloves for you." Sakura takes off her gloves and puts her new pair instantly. "Thank you Y/N!" she hugs me tightly. She let's go of me as we hear the door creak open and hear Alex's and Zoey's voice arguing. "See I told you we should've gone to bed earlier!" Alex shouted as he walked in. Zoey followed him rolling her eyes. She stops in her tracks as she sees me and Sakura staring at them both. 

"So you guys are our new roommates ay? Welcome sorry for the mess btw!" Alex smiles. I shrug and use my quirk to quickly lift all the rubbish and toss them into the bin. "Just a bit of vacuuming and mopping, and I can have this place spotless." Sakura smiled. "And I can cook all meals." I laugh. 

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