Part 98

411 13 2

Y/N's POV:

A few hours later, my students' dorm was clean and they had already had their dinner. Now it was almost midnight and I was trying to get them to sleep. "I feel like I adopted 20 kids."

Once everyone finally fell asleep, I went back to my room and prepared something quickly. As I sat down, a knock appeared on my door and Eri walked in with a bunch of papers. She was finally old enough to join UA and is finally a first year.

"Let me guess, Aizawa gave an impossible assignment?" I chuckle before taking a bite. She nods her head in response and slides the stack of papers onto the table, flicking through them.

"Could you be my mentor for a bit?" She asks. Eri pulls out a piece of paper and gives it to me. I skimmed through it to find that Aizawa had some matters to attend to.

"Sure. Why not? " I shrugged, finishing off my dinner. Eri smiles and walks back out of my room, taking the papers with her. She must be doing a few errands if she is up this late. As I placed my dishes in the dishwasher, my phone started to buzz and a message from Tamaki popped up.


"Akimitsu will be having a sleepover at his friend's house for a week. So I'll be coming to UA to help you!:) "

"Ok. But ask Nezu first! Last time, another teacher brought someone over without his permission and he kept laughing while he was drinking his tea. "

He left me to read and I jumped on my bed and fell asleep.

When the next morning arrived, I had to wake up early to prepare breakfast for my class. "I need to teach them how to cook," I mumble. A pair of arms grabbed my waist and a face snuggled into my neck. "Good morning,"

Tamaki smiles and helps me prepare the rest of the food. "Wait! I have to meet 20 people at once! Didn't you say they were wild? " Tamaki cried, tugging at my shirt. "I wouldn't say wild, but they are loud and somewhat chaotic," I laugh.

I packed up the food and carried it to their dorm with Tamaki following me. I unlock the front door and step inside to see Yuki chasing Hiroto around. "Give me my shirt back!" Yuki yells. I placed the food on the table and headed out. "See you all in class! We have a guest for the week! " I called out, closing the door behind me.

I lead Tamaki over to the classroom and he helps me prepare for the day's lessons. "Don't you need to change?" he asks. I nod my head in response. I exited the room and Tamaki finished preparing.

By the time I came back, I found all of my students cornering him, piling him with questions. The poor bean had his back to the corner trying to answer the questions. Eventually, he gave up and hid in his cape.

"Oh god. Class, take a seat! First I'll tell you about the announcements, then make your way to the field. We'll be having a physical test today, "

-9 months later

"Okay, (hero name) is going on maternity leave finally!" Nezu chirps, "Meanwhile, the famous number one hero, Deku, will be taking her place." He stepped back, making way for me to leave. "Don't cause any trouble for Deku! I'll be back in three months, "I smile. Tamaki takes my hand and helps me walk out of the classroom. "You know, you should've taken leave earlier! Your due legit any day now! "he lectures.

A few steps later, I could feel my water break. We had just stepped outside and I had just entered labour. "Um, Tamaki?" I smiled nervously, "My water just broke." Tamaki just blinked his eyes trying to process what I just said.

"Don't worry, I'm still in the early hours, so we have time to go home and collect my birth things." I laugh. 

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