Will you...?

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Y/N's POV:

"Ugh! I'm so bored!" I groan. Tamaki remains silent, just looking at the wall. "Hey, you okay?" he quickly diverts his focus to me. "Yea, it's just that-" he was cut off by the nurse that came in to let me know that visiting hours were over. "Sorry babe, can you tell me next time I visit?" I stand up to grab my bag and kiss Tamaki's forehead. "Actually, don't worry about it." he waves bye to me as I leave the room. The nurse closes the door behind me and walks me out of the hospital.

Outside, I  get into my car and drive home. As soon as I unlock the door, emptiness filled the room. I walk in dumping myself and my bag on the couch. I turn on the TV and just start watching whatever was on there. 

Another Time Skip: 3 months later:

Tamaki was released out of the hospital and was almost ready to go back to work. One morning, I woke up to find myself awake alone on the bed. I walk out of the room trying to find out where he was. When I walk into the kitchen, I see a small note on the dining table. "Meet me at the front of the house." I walk up to the door and open it, to find Tamaki out there in a suit while holding a big white box. "Uh good morning?" I walk up to him and he passes the box over to me. I open it confused and see my dream outfit inside of it. (your dream outfit)

"Put this on, and come back outside!" he smiles. I walk back into the house and put on the outfit. After I put it on, it looked really adorable! I walk back outside to show Tamaki, but I find myself standing out there alone. I look around and another piece of paper appears in front of me. "Meet me in front of UA!" I walk back inside and grab my keys and for the old school. It was around the time where students were walking into the school grounds with their bags for the dorms. So when I parked my car near the school, students were looking at me weirdly. 

"Well, nothing has changed." I think to myself following the students to the front gate. There, I see Mirio standing there next to a little girl with a horn on the side of the head. "Hi Mirio and..." the little girl looked so familiar when she opened her mouth to say hi to me. "Eri! It's so nice to see you! You're older and taller now!" I squat down and give her a big hug. Mirio chuckles and hands me a giant teddy bear and another folded piece of paper. "Go to the location of that's on the piece of paper. I'm staying here to catch up with Eri," he says as he picks her up and walks onto campus.

I wave and walk back to the car holding the teddy bear. "Great more student's are looking!". Carefully, I place the bear in the back seat and open the note. "Go to the cafe shop near the school." I get back into the car and drive over to the cafe which somehow, I still remember. When I arrive, I barely had any time to get out when Nejire comes running up to me holding flowers and another folded note. "Congrats Girl!" she screamed shaking me. She hands me the flowers and runs off, dropping the note. Picking it up, I read the words, "Meet me at the place where we went on for our first date."

Again, hopefully, for the final time, I drive off to the movies, greeted by a strange man holding another note. He approaches me and taps on the window. "You Y/N?" I nod as he passes me the note. I thank him as he walks off. "Meet me at ****** park. Also, I promise that this is the last note." A small laugh escapes from me as I go to the location. When I parked the car, Eri greeted me outside and hugged me again. "Follow me Y/N!" she grabs my arm and drags me to the centre of the park. She let's go and runs ahead.

There was a group of all my friends and family circling an area. The leaves were dangling down, surrounding everything. They all had smiles on their faces as a group of them moved aside, revealing Tamaki standing in the centre holding a tiny box and another giant teddy bear on his right and another bunch of flowers on his right. I walk closer trying to take everything in. Tamaki picks up the flowers and hands them over to me, giving me a big kiss on the forehead.

He grabs my hand and gently walks me over to the centre and hands over the bear as well as the flowers. "Oh, um this is a bit too much to carry." I laugh, turning around and placing the giant teddy down. "So um, what is this?" I turn back and see that Tamaki was kneeling down on one knee opening the tiny box. "Y/N, you were there by my side for the entire time we were together! You made me the happiest person in the world and feel loved," A huge smile appears on my face as Tamaki continues his sentence, "So Y/N, will you-" I "YES!" I answer before he could finish his sentence. 

Tamaki gets up with tears in his eyes and slides the ring up my finger. It had a big diamond on it, but I could care less of it. I kiss Tamaki as all of our friends come running in hugging and congratulating us. "I love you!" I give him a big hug. "I love you too!" he smiles hugging me back. Our parents emerge from the crowd and hug us both. "Finally!" Tamaki'sparents laughed. Nejire and Sakura run up and jump on me, tackling me down. 

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