What is this feeling?

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Sakura's POV:

Ever since Y/N and Tamaki had got engaged, I always had this lonely feeling inside of me. Like I was missing out on something. Tamaki has been coming to the office twice a week to be with Y/N. None of the other employees knows much about Y/N and has no idea about her love life. So whenever he comes by, half of the company always goes up to him flirting with him. Every time, he would be uncomfortable and Y/N would always have to step in. Almost everyone here was full of themselves except for one person, her name was Niko and we were kind of friends. 

Niko was a very sweet woman that a year younger than me. She had brown hair, and I'm pretty sure she's half American and half Japanese. Every time I see or talk to her, my heart started pounding, and my stomach started to fill with butterflies. This feeling was very strange to me. "I should ask Y/N about this," I walk around a corner and see another employee flirting with Tamaki near some potted plants. They had their hand up against the wall trapping him in a corner. I let out a deep sigh and walk towards them until I heard angry footsteps approaching them.

Y/N came approaching them and was about to grab the employee's shoulder and pull her backwards. "How many times do I have to tell you?! Leave this man alone!" she walks up to Tamaki who gives her a hug trying to calm her down. The employee looks at them and finally realises that they were together. "Honestly, this company is filled with toxic and slow people. But they're still valuable..." a small laugh escapes from me. "What's so funny?" a soft voice squeaked from behind me. A little startled, I look behind me and see Niko looking at Y/N and Tamaki. "They're really cute and happy together! I hope I can find someone that will make me happy." she walks away leaving me standing alone. 

I could feel my face turn a bit red. "What is wrong with me?" I ask myself. Walking around the corner, Y/N sees me and calls out to me. "Sakura, do you want to catch up later tomorrow evening? We haven't hung out as friends in a while!" she smiles. I agree and walk back into my office and sit down and continue to work for a bit. Without even realising, a couple of hours had passed by and almost everyone had gone home. I receive a text from Y/N asking if I was already at my house. I reply saying no and grab my bag and was about to leave the room when I bumped into Niko. 

"Um, what are you doing here?" I ask her, I could feel my face turn slightly red. I try to cover my face without looking weird but fail. "I was just about to hand these files to the boss. Is she there?" I shake my head and take the papers from her to check them. After a brief flip, I walk over to Y/N's office and dump it on her desk. Walking back out, I see Niko standing still while staring at the floor. She was blocking the way so I stood still, hoping that she would move eventually. She started to mumble something that I couldn't hear. 

"Could you repeat that?" I ask. Niko looks up with a weak smile and shakes her head. "Nevermind!" she turns around and speed walks out of the building, leaving me alone. Walking outside tired, Y/N honks her car and opens the door for me. I get in and immediately fall asleep.

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