Part 90

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A/N: I would also like to say that some bits remained the same in the Shigaraki vs Deku scene. I changed most of it cause why not?

Tamaki's POV:

My phone started ringing frantically. "Hello?" I answer. "This is Nezu, I'm calling to see if Y/N has left yet?" I answered, saying yes, and a concerned face formed on my face. "She should be there by now," Nezu goes on, explaining that Y/N hasn't arrived yet. Just then, I received a message from an unknown number showing me a picture.

I opened the message and almost dropped my phone, "If you want your girlfriend, come to this address: * * * * * * *," The picture showed a picture of Y/N all beaten up with a bit of blood and Kumiko smiling with a thumbs up. "Tamaki? Are you there?" Nezu spoke. "I know where she is," I said with a shaky voice.

I forwarded the photo and message to Nezu and quickly changed into my hero costume. I quickly rushed out of the house and made my way to UA.

I went straight to the faculty room when I arrived at high school."Looks like our plans have been pushed forward by 11 months. We'll first need to organize a team that can evacuate every citizen in a 100 km radius, just to be safe," Deku started.

He got out a map of the area where the text message was sent.

"The address is over here," he says, pointing to a hospital, "All the heroes are already on their way. We'll need you guys to help as well." I look up and nod my head, "Mirio, Nejire and Sakura are already on their way," I say. Deku looks up at me, "Who's Sakura?" he asks, confused. I told him about her and her peculiarities." Her quirk will be extremely useful! We can use Uravity's quirk to lift her into the air and she can carefully get the most dangerous members under our control," he says writing down Sakura's quirk.

"What's her hero name by the way?" He asks. I shrugged my shoulders. I never really asked, since she's not really a hero. Midoriya confusingly nods his head and continues to explain the plan. We all drove out to the address and tried to ask around for the chairman. Outside, Endeavor, Hawks and the rest of the pros stood waiting for us. "We have already evacuated everyone," Hawks smiled. We tried to find the chairman's office, but it was no use. "THIS IS USELESS! LET ME SNIFF THEM OUT!" Hound Dog yelled. He looked towards me and pointed, "GIVE ME SOMETHING THAT BELONGS TO THAT GIRL!"

"I don't have anything at the moment," I mumbled. Hound Dog looked at me with his scary eyes and came up to me. "I HEARD THAT YOU TWO WERE HAVING FUN LAST NIGHT!" he yelled. My face started to turn red and the hero started sniffing me. "THERE'S NOT MUCH, BUT I HAVE HER SCENT!" He began running in the opposite direction, and we were about to follow him when a chorus of voices called out to us."Wait up!" Nejire, Sakura, Mirio and the former students of class 1A caught up to us, "Sorry we're late," they panted.

I smile and start to run to catch up with Hound Dog. "Y/N is somewhere in this building. Hound Dog has her scent and is tracking her down," I shouted behind me. A group of people were following me and they all nodded. Hound Dog came to a halt in front of the wall and motioned. "This must be the entrance to his lab or something," Bakugo grumbled.

He got ready to shoot the wall but was stopped by Todoroki. "Great Explosion Murder God Dynamite, think about this rationally. If you blast this wall, the entire building will tumble down on innocent lives," Bakugo grunted and stepped back.

"Creati, Grape Juice, Anima, Tailman and Froppy, please join the other pros outside and protect the people who were evacuated," Deku ordered. They all nodded and quickly made their way out of the building. "The rest, you're with us!" he exclaimed, slamming the wall with his famous, powerful kicks. "Follow me!" Hound Dog yelled.

Again, we all started to follow him. "Wow, this place is huge," Mina gasped. We continued following Hound Dog further into the lab and noticed these tubes with several Nomus in them.

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