Tamaki's POV

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Tamaki's POV:

I just changed into some PJs and jumped on the bed. I was about to fall asleep when I heard a scream coming from Y/N's room. I quickly dashed towards her room. "Y/N ARE YOU OK?!" I look at her and she was crying in her sleep. She didn't wake up even with me screaming. I sit next to her on the bed and lay down. I cuddled up with her. That seemed to calm her down. Before falling asleep I gave her a kiss on the forehead and whispered, "I love you." I later fell asleep.

When I woke up in the morning, I could see that Y/N was still asleep. I gently got up trying not to wake her up. I walk into the kitchen and make some coffee for both of us. As I was pouring myself a cup, I hear Y/N making her way to the kitchen. I give her a cup of coffee and a kiss on the forehead. "Good morning Tamaki" she yawned. We sat down and started drinking the coffee. 

We sat in silence for a couple of minutes until I opened my mouth and asked Y/N the same question I asked yesterday. "So, were you and Haru talking about yesterday?". Y/N spat out her coffee. "Oh nothing, he just told me about school." She didn't make any eye contact with me, which made me suspicious. 

We sat in silence again until we finished the coffee. I grab my things and head out the door. I wave bye to Y/N and head for my house.

There, I was greeted by my parents. "You stayed at Y/N's house again, I presume?" my mum said. I nod as I place down my things and head to the couch. I turn on the tv and start watching.

Time skip: Monday

It was now Monday and I head over to Y/N's place to walk with her. Once I picked her up, we started talking about random stuff. Once we reached the front gate, Haru came running up to us and started talking Y/N. I was about to leave until I heard them talking about last Friday. I stopped and listened and could see that Y/N didn't want me to listen. "Hey Y/N, hey Tamaki. So Y/N, I did what you told me to do so now everyone knows about Sukara." Haru says.

Y/N nods and waves. "So that was what you were talking about with him. Don't worry I'm not mad. Just wish you told me." I say walking ahead. I could tell Y/N was a bit surprised with my response. "Is that your hidden quirk? Reading people's minds?" she laughs. I look at her with a complex look. "What do you mean?". She responds with "You always know what I want and think!" She smiles and runs to class. 

A/N: Sorry for making this short 

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