Part 70

730 15 6

Y/N's POV:

After a few kicks, there was silence. I could hear footsteps walking away from the door. "I left my phone outside. I'll quickly get it and call the cops." Tamaki whispers in my ear. He gives me a peck on the forehead and then slowly walks away from me. I start to calm down, but my tears kept on flowing. Tamaki shuts the door behind him, leaving me alone in the room. I grab a pillow and start bursting into tears again. My dad's drunk words were bouncing around in my head. "It's my fault that she died!" I gripped onto the pillow screaming.

I could hear fast footsteps approaching the door from the other side. This time, the door wasn't locked, so it was easy for my dad to get in. The door fell to the ground as he stood there in front of me. He held a broken glass bottle in his right hand and a belt in his left hand. He quickly approached me holding up his belt to get ready to hit me. I try putting my arm up attempting to block it.

The belt hit my arm hard, leaving a bright red mark in the centre. I turn around and start crawling to the other side. My dad chased me, this time holding the broken bottle in the air. I crawl into a corner curling into a ball, I bury my head between my legs as I could feel the tears dropping down onto my shirt. I could hear a loud thump and something sharp scratch against my arm, right on the red spot.

I screamed in pain and started to get angry. It was so tempting to use my quirk and just smash him into the wall. But he was the only family I had left. All I could do was scream even more and pray that Tamaki would hear me. Just then, I heard another pair of footsteps approaching me. I look up to see Tamaki grabbing my dad from the ground and throwing him against the wall. He started punching him hard until bruises and blood started to show. Tamaki dropped him as he was now unconscious

After a couple more punches, Tamaki came up to me and grabbed my arm gently. "Shhhh. It's okay, the cops are on their way!" he tried to calm me down as he pushes aside my hair and gives me another kiss on the forehead. "Sorry it took so long." he gave me a huge hug and places his head on top of mine. "I'm here now. I promise you from now on, I'll never leave your side." I could feel his tears landing on my head again.

My dad started to come to, I could hear the sirens and see blue flashing between the gaps of the curtains. "The police are finally here." Tamaki chuckles. As he said that, I could hear an unsteady groan coming from my dad.

"I left the front door unlocked." The police came in with guns pointing in the air. They looked to my dad and then to me and Tamaki. I was still crying and Tamaki was still hugging me in the corner. "Sir your under arrest!" My dad was still drunk and tried to fight back to the police. One of the officers pulled out a taser and tased him. He fell back to the ground and two officers had to carry him out. Another one came to my aid as she pushed Tamaki aside and wrapped took care of my injuries. "Sir, were you harmed as well?" she asks after cutting of the bandage roll. Tamaki shakes his head as he helps me stand up.

The officer looks notices my pregnant belly and gives me a soft, warm smile. "How many months?" she asks. I reply saying 4 and she nods and walks out.

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