Part 62

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Y/N's POV:

A few hours go by, and all I could do was walk around the house with a worried expression being stuck on my face. It was already about 11 pm and there was a terrible storm outside. No one had called me to let me know if they were alright or if something had happened. When I was about to grab my keys and drive to the location, a banging sound came from the front door. Slowly, opening it, I see Tamaki in his ripped hero clothes and covered in blood, scars and bruises, was just standing there. I open the door quickly and pull him in, "Why didn't do let me know that you were alright?! How did you get home!" I grab a dry towel and throw it at him so he can dry himself.

"Here, I'll clean and bandage your injuries," I take out the first aid kit and take care of most of his injuries. He remained quiet during the entire time, which was pretty strange. When I closed the kit and gave him a hug, he pushed me away and walked over to the bathroom with an annoyed expression. "Maybe he's just tired..." I thought to myself cleaning up the mess. An hour passes by, and Tamaki was already laying on our bed awake. I try to cuddle with him but he pushes me away and just grunts. "Sorry," I mumble turning my body in the opposite direction.

It was now morning, and I was found myself laying on the bed alone. I walk out of the room trying to find Tamaki. He was standing at the front of the house and said two words that I never thought he would say, "We're done." he walks away with a few suitcases. "Where is he?!" I yell out. Tamaki would never break up with me, not after 6 years. The imposter turns around with a smirk on their face. "Well took you long enough." they laughed. Out of nowhere, a purple warp gate appears and the imposter walks through. I run after it and make it through just in time.

When I landed on the other side, I heard something shatter when I place my foot down. "Better be careful where I step," I walk around slowly until I see a small light appear out of the corner. I duck behind some dark lines that shape a few boxes. After a few seconds, the door closes and I hear a small groan coming from my left. I reach my arm out and hear another groan. "Uh, you okay?" I whisper. The voice increases his voice and asks me who was in front of him. "My name is Y/N, are you alright?" I wave my hand around trying to find his body and place it on his shoulder. "Y/N, it's me, Deku, I think I was knocked out and placed in this dark room."

A/N: I also put a poll on my Instagram and most people chose no. 1 so, I'm doing that plot. 2 was when Y/N travels back in time with a new villain who tries to stop Mirio from helping Y/N find her class. I can do that plot as well but as the other option, but after the next part is finished

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