-stupid little fights- gojo satoru

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You had a fight with Satoru a few hours back and right now you were in your and his shared bedroom, alone just trying to forget it. You played some of your favorite songs, hoping it will help you forget about it, but it didn't help. You were just turning your body left and right in every few seconds.

Fighting among the couple was nothing new and unusual. It was the same for you and Satoru, but today, it might have gone out of the hand. Now that you think about it, it was quite childish topic to fight on.

It all started when you got home after work and unintentionally your talks about your co-worker, which was a guy and your old started. Satoru had seen you two talking together whenever he could come pick you up. When you heard Satoru talk as if he feels like you would dump him for your old friend, you couldn't control your emotions and spoke whatever came in your mind; which was the same for Satoru when he heard you defend your friend. And it ended with him leaving the apartment, leaving you alone after the mess you both made.

You check the time as you hear the door open and close, it was almost 12. Is he finally home? You waited for a while but he didn't enter the room. Is he gonna sleep in the fucking couch? Jesus fine then. You pull the blanket over your head and try to sleep.

It was already half past one in the morning and you were still fully awake. You were staring at the celling above, and were well, just blankly staring at it. You hear the footsteps coming so you turn the other side and act as if you were asleep when the door to the room opened. You heard footsteps coming towards you and later felt movements in he bed; as Satoru climbed the bed, laying next to you. You felt his hands comb your hair strands away from your face and place a kiss on your forehead a few seconds later.

"I'm sorry for what I did" He slowly whispered those words in a really soft one. You could literally cry after hearing that tone. He continued, "That was really childish of me and I know that" he lets out a sigh. You could say that he was feeling guilty.

Not knowing how to react, you just stay like that without moving a muscle. Within a next few minutes, you both fall asleep together.

The next day when you wake up, you noticed that Satoru was not next to you. It was already 8 in the morning. You get off bed and enter the bathroom to wash up.

You exit your bedroom and find Satoru in the kitchen, cooking something. After pausing for a few seconds, you walk up to him. Noticing your presence, he turned to you.

"Good morning" He greeted you as he spreads his arms, for you to hug him. You slowly walk to him and hug him.

"Morning" You burry your face on his chest and tighten your grip on him while he just slowly pat on your head.

"Slept well?"

"Hmm yeah"

You both have your breakfast that he made while you were still asleep. After breakfast, you were getting ready for work; you were filing some papers, while Satoru was already ready and was waiting for you. There was still some kind of awkwardness between the two of you. You wanted to talk it out but it was being hard for you to put your feelings and thoughts in words in front of him. After you were done with your works, you exit the bedroom with stuffs you need and see Satoru waiting by the door. You walk towards him while you put your phone and charger inside your bag.

"Shall we go now?" You asked as you zipped your bag and looked at him, but quickly turning your face away when you two made an eye contact. You heard him sigh and his hands moved up and cupped your face, making you face him.

"Y/N.. I'm sorry for yesterday night... I really am. I-I didn't think straight that time. It was frustrating, seeing my girl talk um.. good things about some other guy who I know is oldest and closest friend of hers." He spoke in a soft tone.

"I..I'm sorry too.. I don't know what clicked me that time that I acted like that but..."you stare at him, straight in his and continue, "...have some faith in me will you? I can understand you getting *chough* jealous but I love you get it? He's just my friend so don't overthink about stuffs like that. Even your ass is surrounded with women every time you go out yet I trust you so I want you to do the same with me" Then without even letting him get all your blabbering in his head, you pull him by his collar and kiss him. He then without wasting any time, kisses you back. He pushed you to the wall and deepened the kiss while he cupped your cheeks. You as well, wrap your hands around his neck, not leaving even a little space between you both.

After a few good minutes of just tasting each other, you pull back (cause you don't wanna die due to lack of air) and look at him in his eyes. He pulls you in a hug and kissed your neck. Before he could do anything else from there, you break the hug.

"Let's not get too carried away, we sill have work to do" You said pulling him out of the house with you. You then lock the door while he just wrapped his hands around your waist. "Geez stop being like that." You lock the door with one hand while you use the other to remove his hand, but like that would work. After locking the door, you turn to face him and see him already looking a you. "Let's get going already" You say with a tint of pink on your cheeks.

"As you say love" He says with a chuckle, "let's wait till tonight then" he whispers in your ears, totally teasing you.

"S-Shut up idiot!"

𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 𝟏𝟎𝟓𝟔 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬

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