-picnic bonding- gojo satoru

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the door to your apartment bursts open, startling you. you whip your head back and see gojo come in with megumi and tsumiki on either sides of his arms, . "hello to my favorite person." he says to you with his usual grin on his face.

"don't go on banging my door boy." you get up and spread your arms, in which tsumiki runs and hugs you with a huge smile on her face, "hi baby. how was school today?"

"i got ten out of ten in my drawing todays." she says with a huge smile on your face, which did not match the frown the megumi had on his own. "that's my girl. i'm so proud of you." you ruffle her hair and look at megumi, "stop making that face megumi."

megumi extends his arms at you, his way of telling you to carry him. you chuckle and take him making gojo's lips turn to a pout, "hey give me some love too." you blow him a kiss and walk to the couch, holding tsumiki's hand in yours while gojo follows you behind.

you place megumi on your lap and cup his face, "why are you more grumpy than usual baby? did something happen?" he looks down, playing with his fingers, "my friend bragged about how he went out of the city to visit his grandparents."

"what? you wanna do the same?" gojo speaks, wrapping his arms around tsumiki, earning himself a slap on his arms from you. you pat the kid's head, "and then what happened megumi?"

"he told me that it helps improve bonding in the family." you are shocked, to say the least, at his words because what kind of elementary kids talk about family bonding and not their favorite cartoon and candies.

you shoot a look at gojo, who seems dumbfounded by what megumi just said. he tilts his head at the kid, "and you're sad because your friend is bonding with his family?"

you shake your head at his comment and mouth his some curses. "i am not sad." megumi exclaims and looks up at gojo with his brows furrowed and a pout on his lips. "i want us to bond as well. i want all four of us to spend time together."

"megumi, we do spend time together. we all four also sleep together when you cannot sleep alone." gojo teases the kid making you groan, "satoru you are such a bad parental figure."

"woah babe, careful with your words. you might hurt me." he puts his hands up, but then looks at megumi again, "megumi, do you think we are not bonding as a family?"

you look down at the baby boy in your lap who shakes his head, "no i also wanna do some bonding activates. my other friends also spend their weekend visiting places together with their family."

tsumiki's face suddenly brightens up and she clasps her palms together with a grin on her face, "how about we go for picnic this weekend?"

you smile at how adorable expression she has on her face and ruffle her hair, "i do think we do quite a lot of bonding together thing. but hey, how can i say no to my kids?"

megumi beams up at you, his eyes sparkling and a smile on his lips, "we can?" you cup his face, "of course we can baby. right satoru?" you look at your boyfriend, who has a smile on his face, looking at the two important people in his life together, "yeah of course. whatever you kids wanna do." he ruffles megumi's hair, making the kid's face break into a huge grin, and not the usual frown.

two days passed, and it's saturday. you spent the morning in your kitchen with the three's helping hands, making some sandwiches and going grocery shopping to buy snacks, drinks and chocolates.

"i don't think i've ever went for a picnic." gojo says as he spreads the cloth on the grass. and helps you with the basket, putting it in the middle, while you, tsumiki and megumi take off your shoes. megumi takes off his backpack with his favorite toys and coloring book and crayons, putting it besides him as he sits down, with a smile on his face. same with tsumiki, but with the cookies she baked with you the other day and her story books.

you and gojo sit on each side of the and unpack the foods that you bought. you see your boyfriend open up the food packages, and suddenly feel giddy. "this feels so nice."

the three look at you, tsumiki leaning onto you with a smile on her face, "can we take a lot of pictures? i want to make a scrapbook." megumi perks up, "i wanna take pictures too! i'm gonna show them off to my friends."

you just chuckle while gojo lets out a laugh, like he is proud of what he just heard come out of megumi's mouth. "don't worry kids, i'm gonna make all your wishes come true."

about an hour and half has passed and the kids are running around the park, playing among themselves, leaving you and gojo to have some alone time. you lay your head in his laps, while he is looking at the kids with a fond smile on his face and his hand stroking your hair.

"we should do this more often." gojo speaks pulling you out of your thoughts and looks down at you. you smile at him, bringing your hands up to cup his face, "yeah we should." he leans down, placing a soft kiss on your lips.

"dad!" the kids come back running to you both, making you sit up. the kids come running and crash into gojo, making the poor man groan in pain. he holds them both on either sides of his arms, pulling back just a little to look at them, "careful kiddos, you might hurt yourselves."

you look at the three of them, and think about how this all feels so normal. having to look after two kids at such young age felt weird at that time. but what's more weirdly normal now is how being with them feels so natural. they've become part of your life, that being without them seems more weirder.

being with them not only feels normal, it feels like home.

"so what do you kids want?" gojo asks and tsumiki points at the icecream truck a little away, "we want ice cream." gojo chuckles with a nod and turns to you, "i'll get us our desert, 'kay?" you nod at him and he ruffles your hair, making the kids snicker at the action, and get up, walking towards the icecream truck.

in next few minutes, they are back again with a cone in each of the kids' hand and gojo himself with two cones in his hands. he hands you your cone with your favorite flavor and the three sit down around you.

you let out a sigh and rest your head on gojo's shoulders, him holding your empty hand with his own. seeing you two, the kids also lean in close and laugh at the very familiar sight of you two being affectionate with each other.

a/n; i saw the shibuya arc trailer like half an hour ago and i cannot wait for it anymore. EVERYONE LOOKS SO GOOD even mahito and GOJO AND CHOSO KILL ME PLEASE I ALMOST DIED THEY'RE SO HOT! and the opening is also so damn good like how is everything so good

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