-sick- inumkai toge

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this y/n is a normal high schooler. also i wrote this before imumaki's curse technique was explained so some things might not make sense. 

enjoy! :)

you get ready for school, even though you didn't want to. but at the same time you don't want your mother to scold you for the whole week just for skipping one day of school.

"i'm leaving." you quickly put on your shoes and shout so that your mom hears you. you walk to your school while you think about some of the most random things. thankfully, your school is just ten minutes walk away from your house so you don't have to exhaust yourself just to reach the place.

you could already see your school when you hear your phone ring from the pocket of your blazer. you stop your tracks and check the caller.

"maki?" you speak once you bring your phone to your ear and start walking, "hey girl, how come you're calling this early in the morning?"

you hear her click her tongue, "it's because of your stupid boyfriend!" you laugh when you hear her clearly irritated in her voice, "what happened this time?"

"no, don't even laugh. it's painfully serious." she lets out a sigh. "and what is that supposed to mean."

"he is sick. he has been sick since yesterday. he has a pretty bad cold but is refusing to go see a doctor."

"what? he never told me he is sick." you raise your voice, making some people walking around you to look at you. usually you'd have been embarrassed but right now you didn't care about the looks you are getting from them. 

only thing in your mind is your boyfriend. you know maki wouldn't have called you if it wasn't serious. so you're worried if he's actually really sick.

"do something about it, will you?"

"uh huh, i'll come there right away."

"sure, will be waiting for you." she hangs up the call. 

you said that you'll be there but you're almost in your school. the school gate is just a few meters away and you start imagining what could be the worst thing that could happen to you if you ditch school when you're less than two minutes away.

maybe the school guard will catch you? maybe even a teacher will catch you? or some annoying kid will see you run away and tell on you? maybe your mom will come to meet your teacher and then find out that you are absent today?

shaking your head to get rid of those negative thoughts, you look around you. there aren't actually a lot of students since the classes would be starting soon. you then check the school gate, being careful so that the school guard could not see you.

lucky for you, the guard is talking with some other staff and there are no teachers in sight. so taking that chance, you run to the opposite direction of the school.

after getting a little further from school, you wait for a bus. You wait and wait but didn't get any bus that would take you to the jujutsu tech, since the second years also had their dorms there. you start panicking that your mom will leave for work and see you not in the school. 

so trying not to waste any more time and save yourself from the troubles you're imagining in your head, you catch a cab. since it is expensive than taking a bus, you use your money that you were trying to save up from some useless but cute things you could buy.

finally you reach to your destination. you quickly pay for the ride and run to the second year's dorm building. on reaching inumaki's dorm, without even knocking on the door, you burst the door open and enter. thankfully, to not embarrass you, the door wasn't locked. your boyfriend is in bed, a towel on his forehead and panda sitting on a chair besides his bed.

"y/n, you're finally here." panda comes running to you and pulls you back to the chair he was sitting in and makes you sit on it, "take care of him please. he is being such a child."

"i will don't worry panda, where's maki?" you ask since she's not in the room and you didn't see her on the way here.

"she just went back to her room. she  must have been exhausted looking after him like a mom looking after her dumb child." 

you laugh, lowkey feeling bad for maki for putting up with him, "that must have been a lot. you can go take a break as well. no need to worry about him, i'll look after him from here." you give panda a reassuring smile and a thumbs up.

"thanks, he's in your care now. but you're in your school uniform, what happened to your school?"

"what else do you think? i ditched that shit."

"just because this boy was acting like a kid." he shakes his head. 

"not like i wanted to be there anyway."

"yeah right... anyways there are some medicines for cold and maybe fever. make sure he take them. bye bye." he walks towards the door, waving his hands, paws at you. and he goes out the door.

"now then," you turn to your boyfriend, "had anything yet?" he just shakes his head as a no. "anything you wanna eat?"


"except for that?"


you let out a sigh, "come on now, you need to have a proper meal."

"onigiri is a proper meal though." he speaks in a small voice. poor boy must be feeling weak anyway.

"we'll have that the next time, yeah?" you say as you take the towel off of his forehead and use another towel that is besides him, dipping it in the bowl of cold water that is in his night stand.

"hm but i don't want to eat anything else."

"i'm making you some soup for now. so just rest up while i get that for you." you walk to the small kitchen area and get the ingredients ready. 

you somehow manage to make him have lunch, which wasn't his favorite onigiri. he was being a baby and wasn't eating, but then again who is he to refuse eating when you're feeding him? you wouldn't have done something cringe like that for someone else, but since it was your precious boyfriend this time, you were more than happy to do so. 

you also didn't forget his medicine. he didn't agree to see a doctor just because he didn't want to leave his room, you could understand that so you let let him be. you also changed into some of his clothes, tossing your uniform somewhere in the room.

you finish washing all the dishes and quickly head back to the boy resting in the bed. you lay besides him, hugging him from under the blanket.

"what the hell? get away from me! you will get my cold!" he says and pushes you out of bed from besides him like you didn't just feed him. you never thought that the boy who would only spoke the ingredients for onigiri could also be such a pain in the ass. 

he came off as the typical quiet boy who did not talk to other, but after you got closer, he was one of the most loud people you've ever met.

you gasp, looking at him, "you did not just do that." you get up from the floor, rubbing your back.

"well sorry but maintain some distance from me, will you?"

"nope." you jump on top of him, wrapping your arms around him tightly. "why are you like this? you're such an idiot." he says, trying to free himself from your grip.

"why are you being like this? just let me stay inside blanket with you. it's getting chilly and you should be keeping me warm, not throw me off the bed"

"that's because you could get sick as well."

"aw wouldn't that be nice then? i don't need to go to that shitty school." you speak, but your mind is already in your little dreamland, thinking how nice it would be to not attend school, even just for a day.

he gives up, letting out a sigh and pulling you closer to him, "you're so dumb."

words count: 1365 words

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