•long time no see• Ryōmen Sukuna

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made some changes tho

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l/n y/n was a well known name among the sorcerers; in the golden era as well as the present time. she was known to be about as strong as the king of the curses, ryomen sukuna. for last thousand years, y/n was sealed but now she got a vessel capable to keep her from going crazy.

around the same time sukuna got a vessel for himself, a vessel fitted for y/n also seemed to appear out of no where. though being trapped inside a weak teenage girl's body; it was better than being sealed inside a paper.

it had almost been a month that y/n got her vessel. she wasn't as arrogant and sadist like the well known king of curse, she got to know her vessel. she was a girl named yui and was 15 years right now. and she somehow saw herself in the kid. from the time she was still a human. the fact that yui was also from a prestigious clan among the sorcerers and she never had a choice and life of her own made yui similar to y/n.

so y/n grew to have a soft spot for the girl. she helped yui with her training and techniques, motivated her when she felt down and overall acted like an older sister who would always be there for her.

"aw damn i'm feeling really nervous right now." yui told y/n while she was playing with her yui's hair; in y/n oh so peaceful domain expansion. the place had a throne on the top of little hill made from white clouds; but the ones which you could touch. it was like a fine mattress; could easily fall asleep on. around the little hill with y/n's throne, the area was full of red spider lilies (you know that one flower in the animes lol). there was also a huge waterfall behind, not flowing with water but blood.

whose? gotta ask y/n about that now.

there was also clouds moving here and there and you could also see a rainbow or two in a little distance.

the place was like a mix of heaven and hell.

anyways back to the girls, "don't worry yui, there's nothing to worry about." y/n massaged yui's tensed shoulders to calm her down. the poor teenage girl was about to meet the other first years who would be her classmates but the girl was just overthinking things.

"what if they think i'm of no good, like my family.." she buried her face onto her palms and hung down her head.

"look at me." y/n moved the girl's hands away from her face an cupped her cheeks to look at her face. "if they even dare to doubt you, i'll rip out their guts. make sure you have some confidence and show some attitude while taking to those weaklings. i know my girl is so much more better than she thinks she is." y/n patted yui's head. "well seems like they are around the corner." y/n said as she felt the presence of curse energy.

on the outside, yui noticed a group wearing similar uniform as herself walking near her.

"yo! you must be nakahara yui, the fourth first year right?" a very energetic male voice spoke which tired the curse inside the girl's body, too much energy early in the morning.

"yeah that's me."

it had been about two weeks since the four first years got to know each other. they were getting along pretty well with each other.

right now, they were having a little picnic near a little river, under a huge tree. since nobara said that it was on her bucket list to do so, yuuji and yui also agreed and the three dragged megumi with them. and here they are.

"but i seriously can't believe we have two of our classmates vessel being vessel for such powerful curses." nobara said while chewing on her mochi.

"geez don't talk with your mouth full." the black haired boy said and took a sip of his drink.

"why is it that you have problem with every little thing?" yui asked as she took the another mochi that nobara handed her, not forgetting to give her a little 'thank you'.

"hey yui what is the curse inside you like? it doesn't seem to come bother you unlike someone else here." yuuji said, taking a huge bite of his sandwich.

"is that supposed to be me?" and a mouth appeared on the boy's cheeks.

"oh shut up." itadori stuffed the last bits of the bread on the mouth on his cheeks.

"ew it's so salty... yuck."

"that's how it's supposed to taste!"

"..uhm.. can you stop doing such weird things... at least when we're out and you're not alone..." yui said, almost feeling traumatized by what she just witnessed.

"really you idiot stop doing those shits." nobara looked away with a frown.

"sorry i guess."

now by this time, y/n was already aware about the curse that was inside the pink haired boy, she was just waiting for a good time to greet her past lover. but sukuna on the other hand though hasn't noticed y/n's presence. his too proud ass never listened to yuuji who would start the topic of the curse inside the other first year girl.

well he'll know when the time comes i guess.

-time skip to a mission-

the first years were assigned to go at a place on the out skirts of the city. the four got separated in groups of two. nobara and megumi were behind the warehouse while yuuji and yui were inside the building.

yui got flown away while yuuji tired to grab her, only to get blown away with her.

"isn't this too much for us?" yui coughed blood.

yep it definitely too much for the new first years. but well it was just the higher ups being a coward and sending them here so they could get rid of the vessels of two strongest curses.

"yui let me help, this is too much for you guys." y/n finally said as she could feel the girl's body getting weaker.

"yeah maybe you're right, sorry."

"leave it to me."

y/n switched with yui. sukuna suddenly froze when he felt the curse energy, way too familiar. yuuji started panicking thinking yui lost control but calmed a little when y/n turned to him and gave him a little smile.

"you're hurt little boy, just stay put." before he could say anything, y/n's look changed into a stern one and he just couldn't move a muscle due to the pressure. the next moment he looked towards the special grade the two first years were struggling with, it was burning into ashes.

walking towards it, y/n took the sukuna's finger which was left after they body was burnt away and walked back to yuuji.

"looks like i have a little guft for ya sukuna."

"oi brat, let me take over."

"h-huh?" the kid was still confused with what happened within a minute here.

"just switch already!"

"why would i do that-"

"i swear i won't hurt anyone."

yuuji was hesitating but then y/n spoke, "don't worry let him out."

the reassurance in y/n's voice made him nod.

and then he came.

"long time no see." y/n smirked at him.

"you stupid bitch." he pulled y/n onto his chest, hugging her as tight as he could.

"you tryna kill me when we meet after what.. a thousand years?" y/n punched his stomach, not too hard but enough to hurt him to make him move away.

"i thought i was imagining thing when i felt your presence, how the fuck did you get a vessel?"

"let's say some girl eat a curse object to kill herself but well.. here we are." y/n shrugged.

sukuna laughed, "damn girl got guts."

"mmm... i running out of time, let's catch up later at night?"

"sure thing, my queen."

word count: 1303 words

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