-christmas- fushiguro megumi

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it is christmas today. you are in your bed, staring at the ceiling while you think about what you should wear to your friend's birthday next week. your phone rings, bringing your back to reality. you roll to the side and grab your phone.

seeing your boyfriend's name, your face break into a smile and you quickly answer the call.

"hey y/n, good morning." he speaks, his voice still a little husky. you giggle, swinging your legs in the air, "good morning pretty boy."

"and merry christmas."

"thank you. merry christmas to you too, megs." you smile, feeling giddy on the inside, "do you have any plans today?"

"gojo sensei woke me up to give me a mission."

"what? today as well?"


you wanted to spend the time with him today as it is the first christmas after you two got together. feeling sad, but mostly bad for your boyfriend, you talk with him for a little longer before ending the call.

you curse gojo for ruining today for you while you get out the bed to wash up and change into clean pair of clothes. not stopping to curse him even by the time you head downstairs for breakfast.

you find your dad setting the table while your mom is in the kitchen, cooking something. you greet them both and help your mother in the kitchen.

"is sis not awake yet?" you ask your mother when you don't see your older sister around.

"she did not come home last night. said she was going to spend the night at her boyfriend's place. she said she will be home after dinner though." hearing that, you couldn't help but feel something missing in your relationship with your boyfriend. 

that something missing is the time that you spend with each other. it isn't like he doesn't give you time, but it just wasn't enough time that the people in a relationship should be spending. you wish that you two could spend some more time with each other.

it is almost five in the evening and you are laying in bed again while playing some games on your phone. you hear a knock on your door and you see your mom enter through the door.

"we are going out for dinner, wanna come with us?" she is wearing a long sleeved dress that reached below her knee with a small heel. her makeup looks natural and is wearing a bold red lipstick and her hair in a bun. you might as well think she knows about fashion more than you.

"no, i don't feel like going." you bring your eyes back on your phone screen.

"you'll stay alone then?"

"yeah i will. you enjoy yourself mom. bye."

"fine then, make dinner or order something, okay? i didn't cook anything thinking you'll come with us." she lets out a sigh and leaves the room, closing the door behind her. 

almost ten minutes pass when you hear the front door open and close, the the car start and drive away. now that you are home alone, you go into the livingroom and turn on the tv. you put on the kdrama you were watching last night.

it is your fifth episode and you are more invested in the plot than you expected yourself to be. you get comfortable, wrapping yourself in blanket.

you are in the next episode, lost in the argument between the main male lead and second male lead when you hear the doorbell ring. groaning, you pause the episode, getting up from the couch and wrap the blanket around your body and walk to open the door.

"megumi?" at first you think it is the effect of the kdrama that you rub your eyes. but not it isn't your imagination, "megumi?"

"why are you acting so abnormal?" he extends the bag in his hand towards you.

"it really is you." you remove your blanket shield and wrap your arms around him, snuggling into the crook of his neck.

"what has gotten into you today?" he asks but still wraps his arms around your securly.

"i'm just happy to see you, okay?" you pull away from him and pull him inside. you close and lock the door before turning back to him, "how come you are here?" you ask while you two walk into the living room. you throw your blanket on the couch and he places the bag in the table, "i finished my mission early." 

you wrap your arms around him again, placing a soft kiss on his lips, "thanks for coming."

"megumi, i'm hungry."you turn your face to look at him. you two are watching a movie while eating the cookies and cupcakes he brought with him, his hands wrapped around your waist, keeping you close to him. it is to make sure you stay warm he says. 

"what do you want to eat?" he pats on your arm, motioning you to get up, so you do and follow him to the kitchen.

"will you cook?"

"guess i will." he opens the pantry and checks for the ingredients, "help me if you can but don't disturb me while i'm cooking, yeah?"

"geez i know." you learned that the hard way that if you annoy him while he's cooking he messes up the measurements and ingredients. one time you were with the trio when your boyfriend was making dinner while you were playing around, using spoons and pots as weapon with kugisaki and itadori.

he told you to stop messing around him, but you three ignored him. let's just say the dinner wasn't something you four could have finished and ordered take outs later.

 you sit on the counter, watching him do his magic. being the boyfriend material, that he is, starts making dinner for the both of you.

you two have finished washing up the dishes after dinner are in your bedroom, spending the time in silence while looking at the snow falling from the sky and piling on the ground.

"don't you have to go back soon? isn't it late already?" it is almost 11 and he is still here, with you in his arms. not that you're complaining but you're worried he might get in trouble.

"i already told gojo sensei that i will be coming back tomorrow."

you whip your head at him, "so you'll be staying the night here?"

"unless you want me to sleep on the road? i'm not getting to spend much time with you lately.. i'm sorry about that." he plants a kiss on your forehead. 

"i don't mind that since when you spend the time with me, you seriously make me fall head over heels for you over again."

words count: 1089 words

It might be a bit late but MERRY CHRISTMAS GUYS!!


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