🍋 Gojo Satoru X Reader

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You and Satoru were in a room, well doing nothing in particular. He just kissed you just because of a dare and now there was some awkwardness between the two of you, even though you enjoyed it. He was your best friends, and the boy you had the biggest crush on for some reason.

"Oi don't stay silent, it's getting really awkward." He said breaking the silence.

"Uh- what am I supposed-" You paused your words when you felt his lips on yours. His hands made their way to your waist. You body moved faster than your mind and now you were kissing him back already, wrapping your hands around his neck. You wanted to be more than just best friends with him, but again you didn't want to ruin what you already have.

He broke the kiss, letting the both of you catch your breath. But you were hugely disappointed when his lips moved away from yours.

"Uh-" He was trying to find the right words, since he kissed you out of nowhere but now you didn't care about anything else at all. You just had the urge to pull him back and do something more than that. And you did. You grabbed his collar, pulling him into a heated kiss without letting him say whatever he was about to, which you obviously didn't care.

It took him by surprise but still went with the flow and kissed you back. He too wanted to move on from the thing you two currently have, your relation.

He hovered you in the bed, which was in the room and kissed you like there was no tomorrow, and you didn't even complain about that. He then starts sucking your neck, leaving marks on the way and you let out soft moans in his every little touch.

"You sure are enjoying yourself" He said, just to tease you. You just cursed him.

"You'll make me go crazy." Even if he would take your words as a joke, he really did drive you crazy. He every little touches, his warm hugs whenever you needed them, his scent and even his tone when he spoke dirty little jokes, you could easily be under his control so easily that you felt frustrated.

"That's fine love, go crazy for me."

He again brought you lips together and moved his tongue in every corner of your mouth. He sucked your tongue on his, which caused you to lose your mind, not knowing what to do or where to go anymore, but you for sure enjoyed the moment.

He broke the kiss (because he didn't want you to die and the cause would be because you were making out lol) and looked right in your eyes. He could clearly see in your eyes that what you just did wouldn't be enough for you, which was the same for him.

"Let me be honest here, I want to taste you some more. Tell me you want it and we can both feed our hunger." He said with a wink which left you as red as a tomato.

"I want more... I want more of you" You desire to feel him like crazy. Even tho you had doubts that it will ruin your relationship, you still wanted it.

He unzipped the back of your dress, removing the straps and slowly kissed you neck. He pulled down your dress, you being overwhelmed by his touch and the enjoyment you felt. The next thing you knew, you were undressed and so was him.

"Someone's getting impatient~" You for some reason wanted to tease him a little, cuz why not. He would never leave an opportunity to do so.

"It's all because of you"

Quickly enough, one of his hands made his way down to your clit and rubbing it softly. While his lips made their way to your neck, biting it. You lifted your head, giving him a better access. His other hand went up to your breast, squeezing and pinching around your hardened nipples. He found his way to your sweet spot, nibbling on your neck and placing his hands on either sides of your head to keep him balanced on top you you.

"Ugh I'm not sure if I can control my self"

"You don't need to" He looked at you when you said that, smirk plastered on his face.

"Glad to hear that love"

He spreads your legs fully and nailed himself in the middle, without anything else he side his dick inside your entrance. He adjusted his length and you gasped, tilting your head to the side. He within seconds picks up his pace with forceful thrusts. At first, you groaned at the sudden pain, but later, those painful groans turned into low and soft moans.

You moved your hips, I'm sync with his thrusts. His balls went deeper into your sensitive core.

"Ahh~ Satoru~"


He pushed in, roughly as your moans and you calling his name were already making his go crazy for you as well. He was going in more deeper. Gripping on your thighs, he pounded in. His thrusts made you feel a notch tying up on your stomach. Your walls started to get vigorous around his member and it was getting difficult to control your liquid.

But again did you care? No hun. Your hands move to the either sides of his lower body forcing his member deeper inside of you. Your other hand on his back, trailing scratches as his thrusts continued, giving you pleasure. You titled your head, feeling your climax close to reaching any seconds.

He growled, panting heavily and grabbed onto the sheet tightly as he released and you did the same after a few seconds. You two panted, catching your breaths and Satoru lies down, next to you. He brought his hands up to your cheeks, stroking it softly.

"I love you..." He said giving you a warm smile. You smiled back at him, giving your reply, "I love you too"

You close your eyes, tired after losing all your energy. Satoru turns his body to you and looks at your features. He stroked back the hair strands sticking to you face.

"Wanna go home or are you planning on spend the night here?" He asked.

"Hmm.. I don't care as long as you will accompany me"

"Let's head home then, we can move to round 2 maybe?" You blush at his words.

"Carry me~ I'm tired"

"Uh- huh I will love"

Hey thanks for reading this shit❤
And it is so freaking short-😶
Lmao it was my first time writing a fanfic and all so I don't think it's that good but I'll improve and again thanks for reading~

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