🍋-babysitter- toji fushiguro

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You ring the doorbell to the house and wait for someone to open the door. A few seconds later, the door opens revealing a... well built man to say at least. You didn't know how to describe him. All that you had in your mind was 'Damn he's hot'

"Miss Y/N?" He spoke, with a deep voice. It wasn't the first time you heard him speak, yet you were getting some feels in your stomach. You spoke to him yesterday, on the phone and you were already attracted to the man, just because of his voice and right now seeing him in front of you, your brain just couldn't function well.

Seeing you not respond to him, he bent down to your level and snapped his fingers in front of your eyes. You blinked your eyes a few times and finally came to realize that you were staring at him.

"A-Ah sorry... I was just thinking" You internally cursed at yourself for shuttering, but oh well who blames, like look at the man in front of you.

With a little smirk he spoke, "Mmm okay, please enter." He moved aside to let you enter his house. 

With a little bow, you enter his house. You took off your shoes and placed them on the side and slipped on a pair of slippers that Toji put in front of you.

You were in his place to fill for your best friend. She was sick and couldn't go to her workplace and so here you are. She was a babysitter, babysitting his son (aka BABY MEGUMI!!!) and you had no reason to decline anyways so you agreed.

He walked in and you followed him behind. As you enter the common area, you found a child on the floor, lost in his own world, playing with his toys.

"Megumi come here." Toji spoke and the child turned back, but did not move from his place. Toji sighed and called for him again and this time he finally walked to the both of you. He got on his knees to meet the level of his son.

"She will be looking after you for a few day, okay?" He spoke in a pretty soft in front of his son, deep but still soft.

"Why? Where is Hina nee-chan?" The little baby asked with a small pout on his lips.

"She's sick so she can't come and that's why she's here."

Megumi looked at you and you bent down to him, "Hello baby, my name's Y/N" You greeted him with a smile.

"I'm Megumi" He shyly said, going to hid behind his father.

"Get along with her and don't cause trouble for her okay?" Megumi gave his father a nod and walked back to be the king of his world with his toys.

Toji got up and faceed you as you straighten up as well.

"Uhm so sir, what am I supposed to do actually?" You agreed to go to your best friend, Hina's workplace to cover for her but forgot to ask her what you should be doing. He offered you to take a seat on the couch, which you accepted and he started telling you about the works Hina did and for you to do the same.

Today he just called you to talk and see if he could trust you for looking after his son. Even if Hina was trustworthy and dedicated to her work, he just could trust his son to her friend just like that. 

After having conversation with him, you kept the works he said you needed your do in your mind. At 3 you pick Megumi from the kindergarten, which would be about an hour after your class. Then you just had to feed him and keep him company until Toji came back from his work; if he was late you just had to cook dinner and feed Megumi and tuck him to bed.

You were filling yourself with confidence that you'll be okay doing all those works without any problem.

"So Miss Y/N please take good care of Megumi." He said in the end.

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