-party- gojo satoru

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it is friday, meaning someone is hosting a party in their place and you always find yourself there with your friends. you didn't like going out so much but you didn't not like going at one as well.

it was fun, you could dance and get free drink. a really nice way to relieve stress.

you gulp down the alcohol and put down your cup as your friend grabbed your hands and dragged you to the dance floor with her. both of you moved your body along the music together and before you knew, she was in the arms of another guy and you were with some other guy.

"hey." he whispered into yours ears.

"hi pretty boy." you grinned and pulled a little back to look at the boy.

you knew the boy from some class. which? you didn't have enough energy to think about that right now so you just ignored it.

wrapping your arms around his neck, you danced along with him while his hands were wrapped around your waist, holding your body real close to his.

as you enjoyed yourself with him, you also kept an eye on your friend to make sure she does not leave with some guy she barely knew.

you saw your friend drinking with a guy but you also saw him. gojo satoru.

there he was leaning on the wall with a drink in one hand and another around a girl you knew from your ecology class. her kissing around his neck while he just stroked her back with a smirk on his face and his hands stroking her back.

you did not like him. no.

still you wanted his attention.

you didn't want him to your boyfriend. no.

you didn't have anything serious with him, but you knew you did not have nothing with him. there was always something and he knew that was well.

there must be something really wrong with you. you might end up catching feelings for him and worse, might get heart broken by him. you knew that but you didn't care.

before he could feel your eyes on him, you pulled back from the guy you were dancing with and pulled him down with his collar to whisper in his ears, "i'm gonna go get a drink."

without waiting for his reply, you went to the kitchen to grab a bottle of whatever you found. you opened the bottle with the opener on the counter and took a long sip of it. it burned your throat but it felt good.

you went out to where you were previously sitting with your friends with the bottle in your hand. on the couch you found one of your girls making out with her crush which made you feel proud.

you didn't want to disturb her dream finally coming true so you went to take a sit at another couch.

"hey y/n come here!" a girl from one of you many classes called you with her arms open and without hesitation, you went into her arms.

"hi babe." after a minute long hug, you let her go and plopped yourself next to her.

she looked at your face then down at you chest and your legs then back to your face again, "you look so hot." she placed a kiss on your lips and leaned to rest her head on your chest.

you let out a chuckle, "how much did you drink?"

"don't remember.." she wrapped her arms around you and went silent.

you felt someone sitting next to you, "you do look hot though y/n." geto suguru.

"of course you would say that." you smirked at him and took another sip of your drink.

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