-idyllic- fushiguro megumi

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11:56 pm

you finally finish and submit the assignment due four minutes later. you stretch your arms up and close your laptop.

feeling like you've been sitting in your desk and typing in your laptop for what felt like forever, you think of taking a walk and grab something to drink to refresh yourself.

you put on your hoodie on and grab your phone, wallet and the keys. locking the door behind you, you walk out your apartment and walk down to a twenty four hour store.

it is late but there are street lights providing the lights and you just hope you don't run into some stranger you don't wanna encounter. as you reach the store, you tell the guy behind the counter your order, your favorite boba flavor in a large size.

being the only person they are serving, you just have to wait a few minutes before they call you to get your drink. you pay for your order and walk down the road.

the night time is quite chilly so you put your one hand inside the pockets of your hoodie and take sips of your drink while you walk to a park nearby. you walk near the small playground in the park and see a figure sitting on the swing, head down, deep in thoughts, which makes you stop your steps.

you narrow your eyes to check the person out. you could see the man's spiky dark hair which brings one very specific person in your mind. hoping it is who it is, you take your phone out and message the guy in your head as you take a few steps towards the playground.

you: am i seeing things or is that you?

coincidentally the guy seems to have a need to check his phone, and he quickly looks up. your face breaks into a smile as soon as you see the teal colored eyes looking at you.

"megumi!" you say his name with excitement lacing your voice and run to him. as soon as you reach him, him now standing, you put your arms around him, "ah it's so nice to see you."

he puts his one arm around your waist, chuckling and brings the other to stroke your hair, "we were together in the afternoon dummy."

you look up at him with your arms still around him, "yeah but it's nice to see you here, so randomly." you place a kiss on his lip, "whatchu doing here at this hour?"

"i just couldn't sleep so i got out for a breather. i could ask you the same though."

you pull away from him and sit on the swing, him doing the same and sitting on the one besides yours, "i just submitted the assignment and i had to get a drink." you offer him your drink and he accepts it.

"you should rest though, don't you have practice early in the morning tomorrow?" he sighs and closes his eyes after handing you your drink, "yeah, but i can't stop thinking about stuffs for some reason."

he lets his thoughts out and you both talk for quite a while after that.

"why don't you come over then?" he looks at you after your suggestion, "you said you were having trouble sleeping, we can go over to my place and i'll make you tea which can help you relax. and we could spend more time together."

he cracks a smile and nods, "yeah i'd very much like that."

you get on your feet, "great then, come one my boy." you hold out your hand for him which he takes and gets up from the swing. he intertwines your finger as you walk out the park after you throw the plastic cup in a near bin.

"ugh i feel tired." you whine as you rest your head on him. "why did you even come out then, you should've just gone to bed you know."

you look at him and scoff, "yeah and you still would have been in that park alone. be glad i came out." he playfully rolls his eyes, "of course, i am oh so glad for that."

"keep taking with that sarcastic tone and i will leave you to chill out here."

"you love me too much to do that and you know it." he looks at you with a smirk on his pretty face.

"you're lucky you look good or i would have killed you by now."

"you're lucky i love you babe or who knows where i would have thrown your body."

you gasp and hit on his arm, "megumi! that is so mean of you."

he chuckles, a smile on his face which instantly melts your heart. you are so glad he doesn't show that pretty smile of his around other people so much or you'd have to poke so many eyes of other people to prevent them from seeing such a beautiful sight.

"i'm kidding babe." he cups one side and kisses your lips. you kiss him back almost immediately, grabbing on the collar of his sweatshirt to pull him closer to yourself.

no matter how many times you get to taste him, you could never get enough of him. you place your one hand on the back of his neck and tilt your head, deepening the kiss.

you pull away, just enough to look at his face and smile seeing the soft expression on his face that only you could see.

"come on pretty boy, let's go home." he places another soft kiss on your lips and takes your hand on his, "let's go, love." 

word count: 914 words

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