-pick me up- geto suguru

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never in your lifetime would you have imagined that you'd have to call someone to come pick you up. from jail.

how did you even end up behind the bars? the last thing that you have a proper memory from tonight was you and ari, your friend were club hopping.

she finally broke up with her sad excuse of a boyfriend of almost two years. when she called you over at her place, hearing her announce she dumped him was not on even the back of your mind.

to celebrate her break up, you two made plan to drink the night away. it was all fun and games until she started complaining she had to pee right when you were in the way to another club three streets away.

"why didn't you go before we left the club when you've been complaining about your overflowing bladder since the last hour?" you pull her body close to yours, helping her drunk self walk.

"bitch i forgot about it then! i swear it's gonna leak out." she bends down, crossing her legs. you look around the place you currently are, trying to think if there's any public bathroom around. "try not to think about it, 'kay? only few blocks away. please." you try to drag her so she could just continue walking.

"if i stand up, it's not gonna hold." she speaks, biting her lower lips while you don't know if you should laugh or cry at the situation. "want me to get you a bottle or what?" 

"where do you think you'll even get a bottle out of nowhere? from a dumpster-" she snapped her head to you, "girl i'm gonna take a piss." you look at her confused as she gets up, tightly sealing her lips together as she jogs to the little gap between two buildings.

without questioning, you follow her, seeing her get behind a dumpster, pulling her little dress up and her undies down. you pause, shocked at what goes on in her mind. you cover your face with your hands, embarrassed of her behavior, turning away from the sight of her squatting down.

you don't know where the cops were but that's basically how you are where you are.

"bitch i told you to hold it." you say as you get up to walk out the cell to call someone. she pouts at you, eyes closed and head resting on the wall behind her, "that was the nicest i felt in ages."

the officer hands you the phone, "you get one call and you only have five minutes." he gives you a look and walks away. you curse at him in your head and call your boyfriend. you pray that he picks up even though it is two in the morning and he is probably sleeping.

a few more rings later, he picks the call making you let out a relieved breath, "hello-" "suguru, come pick me up please."

he takes a second to himself, "y/n? what- are you okay?" you hear his movements, probably him getting out of bed to come to you. "uh huh i'm fine. i'm sorry but can you come pick us up?"

"of course. it's just you and ari?" "yeah it's just us."

"okay where are you?"

"the police station."

one second. two second. and the third second. "what?"

"don't ask me, will you come?"

"of course y/n." you hear him sigh, "gosh you didn't kill someone did you?"

you gasp, "no! why would you think that? just get here quick."

almost an hour later, you finally walk out with geto and ari out of the police station. "this is.. freedom." ari chuckles at herself, spreading her arms and taking in a deep breath.

you scoff at her, "girl, stop tryna be eren yeager." you boyfriend chuckles from besides you, "i cannot believe this even happened."

"it's always trouble with this girl, i swear." you wrap your arms around his, leaning your body on his. your friend looks back at you, "hey at least it's a whole new thing that you got to experience."

"but if you think about it, it your boyfriend- ex's fault you went to jail." you and your friend look at geto then at each other. "think about it."

you both gasp at the same time, "give me my phone." she asks geto who just gives it to her and hands you yours. "whatchu gonna go?"

"that bitch never fails to make everything about himself. i finally broke up with him and when we go out to celebrate, we end up in jail?" she types something in her phone and brings it to her ear.

knowing exactly what's happening, you rest your head on geto's arm while you both watch your friend start cursing at her ex over the phone.

not even two minutes into her screaming into the phone and you two laughing, a cop comes out, "it's literally just night for most people. could you keep it down?"

geto apologises to the cop and you drag your friend to where geto parked his car, "please.. you can do that tomorrow."

she gets in the back seat while you sit in the passenger seat. he drives to ari's place and stops in front of her building. "can you get to your room on your own?" you ask, doubtfully looking at her.

"geez of course i can. all that screaming cleared my mind a little. i can manage. you two go ahead." you blow her a kiss and geto drives away. now that it's only the two of you, you turn your body to him, "you look so hot right now."

he was in his night sweatpant and basic white oversized tee. his usual night wear. and his hair messily tied in a bun. yeah, very hot.

he looks at your for a brief moment, chuckling before he brings his eyes back on the road. "i could say the same about you, pretty."

you smile at his words and stare at him, getting lost in the thoughts. there's a comfortable silence between the two of you before he speaks, "i didn't know you could go to jail for pissing in public."

you gasp, "oh thank god it's not just me. i was thinking they are pranking us when they said they're taking us because ari pissed behind a dumpster."

if something with the cops doesn't make sense idk either lmao

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