•you're my teacher• Gojo Satoru

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Gojo Satoru x Student Reader


enjoy! :)

You walk down the hallway while sipping on your drink. It was your P.E but you being too lazy to move your body, skipped it and took a little nap on the rooftop.

As you walked back to your classroom after the bell rang, you saw a few filthy creatures roaming here and there; but you ignored it all and just pretended as if there's nothing unusual.

You attend normal high school acting like a normal high scholar; but you could see the curses. But you never really cared to exorcist them unless you felt like it was bothering you or someone you knew and were nice to you. You didn't think about wasting your energy in helping some idiots who would not even be grateful to you for helping them.

As you walked down the stairs, you saw some girls of your class walking towards the class as well. As they saw you, they waved at you and stopped, waiting for you to catch up to them. With a smile, you jog to them.

"And so how was your nap?" One of them, Mina asked you.

"It was amazing. How about your class?" You asked even though you knew what their answer would be.

"Don't even ask about that. I felt like my legs would fall off after all those running." Another one, Ann replied with a sigh.

"But hey Y/N you missed something really handsome." And finally the third one whose name was Marie spoke with a huge grin.

"Oh? And what might that be?"

"Dude there was this hot guy walking around the ground. Thanks to him I could survive today's class despite all the running!" Mina squealed as she spoke.

You raise your brows and Ann spoke, "There was this guy-"

"Hot guy." Mina corrected her.

Ann let out a sigh and continued, "Yeah a hot guy with white hair and was wearing glasses, he was just walking around the field? I don't know what he was doing." She shrugged.

"And when we were walking back here, we saw him from up close and girl let me tell you his eyes were beautiful. Like those were the prettiest thing I ever saw in my life." Marie said and dramatically put her hand on her chest, near her heart.

"Dude calm down" Ann lazily said, now dragging her feet.

"No." Mina said as if she were offended by what Marie said, "And did you even see the smile he flashed towards us when he saw us starring at him?!" She moved her face closer to Ann's.

Ann just pushed her face away and linked her arms with yours, "Shut up. I'm too tired to even open my eyes." She rested her head on your shoulder as you four walked, Mina and Marie behind you and Ann, talking and simping over the certain white haired guy.

You walked out of your class, after finally finishing cleaning the class all by yourself as a punishment for skipping your P.E class. You walk to your locker and put some books inside and walk away after locking it. The hallways were quiet and only your footsteps were audible. It was creepy to be honest and a few curses that saw were only making it worse for you.

You fasten your pace and finally exit the building. You let out a relived sigh and walk towards the school gate. In a distance you saw a white haired man, on his phone.

'He must be the guy the girls were talking about. But damn look at the height. Could he be a model? I wouldn't be surprised if he is.'

The man was the talk of your class today. Not only the girls but even the guys were talking about him; some getting jealous and some admiring his good looks.

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