-keep looking- itadori yuuji

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the bell finally rang, meaning the boring math class is over and it is now the lunch break. you walk out of the class with your friend nobara and walk through the crowded hallway.

"you remember that one girl from my previous school?" nobara speaks while she squeezing through the crowd with your hand in hers so she wouldn't lose you.

"the one who didn't take out the banana you put in and bag and the whole class smelled like shit?" you ask her, trying to guess who this one might be about.

"no girl. the one who i was stuck with during a project and had to listen to all her naggings about her boyfriend."

"oh that one. yeah." you chuckle remembering how stressed she looked even when she was telling you all about it, "what about her?"

you two finally reach the school canteen and she starts running towards the line for the food before the line gets any more longer, still while grabbing your hand and dragging you with her.

she lets out a breath once you both get in the line and lets go of your hand, "i saw her yesterday while i was doing some grocery shopping and guess what?"


"she was still with the same dumb boyfriend of hers."

"the one about whom you had to listen her talk about?"

"yeah. like girl you wouldn't believe how dumb she is for still being with that jerk. and after all the motivations i gave her to leave him." your poor friend must have been stressed, plus disappointed judging by the look on her face.

 you laugh at her, her looking like it was one of her own problems. she is a really sweet girl and is really fun to talk with. you quickly got close to her when she transferred to your class earlier this year and have been close ever since.

"she must really love him to get back with him after all that she has to put up with."

"seriously what does she even like about him? there's nothing good about him."

you remember her showing the guy's photo and damn was he so... not good looking. you don't wanna sound like a mean person but he was so weird looking and nobara said he wasn't tall nor was he good in studies.

"didn't you say his parents are rich?"

"yeah, they are really rich apparently."

you snap your fingers at that, "maybe that's why."

she folds her arms over her chest and thinks for a while, "that would make more sense than her actually liking the dude."

it is finally her turn and she takes the food tray and gets to the side, waiting for you to get yours. you both walk to your usual seats and sit across each other.

you both start having your lunch while talking about new store that opened up in the mall and all the cute clothing items they have on sale. making a plan to visit the store someday after school. 

after almost half an hour, you both are done with the food and get out of the seats to put the tray in the bin before walking out the canteen.

"i'm gonna go grab something to drink, you wanna come?" nobara asks, taking her wallet out to check if she has enough cash.

"nah i'm feeling tired."

she scoffs at you, rolling her eyes," what did you even do?"

"i'm getting old you know."

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