-after hours- gojo satoru

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<Y/N is a non-shaman while Gojo is a sorcerer>

You filled in the last paper and you were done with your work for today. You put your belongings inside your bag and exited your office. Biding your co-workers a 'bye', you walked out of the building.

Just as you left the building, you saw a certain white-haired man, waiting while leaning on his car. He wasn't wearing his blindfolds, but a pair of black glasses with a white hoodie and some jeans, and gosh how good he looked. You were just looking at him when he noticed and called out your name, "Y/N!"

He waved his hands to you. You took slow steps towards him with a little smile, "What are you doing here?"

"Here to pick you up" Then you remembered his schedule that he had a mission today and a few days off. And knowing him, he must have already dealt with whatever his mission was.

"You didn't have to, I have brought my car."

"About that..."

"...What did you do?" You already had the idea that he did something stupid again.

"I gave your car for wash, nothing bad... they have told to come take the car tomorrow noon." Right, he had the spear car keys.

"...Why... would you do that?" You asked, with a deep sigh.

"Why you ask? Easy, so that I can take you back home, you have been really busy with you works lately." He opened the door for you to enter. "Now come on, let's head home." The things that he does at times, you find them really cute. Even though he can be such a pain in the ass, there are times when he acts so mature and cares so much for you that you can even think.

"Thank you~" You entered the car and he closed the door, then walked to the other side and got in himself.

"So? Anywhere you'd like to go?" He asked as he started the engine.

"Mmm not really, but let's drop by the mart, we need to buy some stuffs."

"As you say darling."

You both talked about each of yours day and caught up on some things that were missed when he was away for his mission. Little times like these, when you two are together, even if were nothing really special, with each other's company, you would enjoy the time.

You dropped by the mart and bought some things needed in the house and you may have also bought snacks a little more than necessary, but honestly, you both could finish all of those in no time. After the little shopping, you both returned back home.

You unlocked the door and took off your heels and hopped on the couch. "I'm tired~" your man finally entered the house with bags in his hands to listen to you whine.

"Go and freshen up, I'll cook dinner." He said placing the bags in the counter. "Or will you need help with that as well?" He smirked.

"No thanks, I'll be fine by myself." You roll your eyes at him and entered your bedroom. You threw your bag and blazer on the bed and entered the bathroom.

You cleaned up and changed into some comfy pair of clothes. You blow dried your hair and put on some moisturizer and exited the bathroom. You found your boyfriend in the kitchen, now in a different clothes then before, cutting some veggies and still looking very attractive.

Shaking your head, you walked to him. "Need any help?"

"It's fine, take some rest" Seeing him act this sweet wasn't something that happened often but also wasn't anything rare, but still it made your heart flutter like some young kid talking to their crush for the first time.

You hugged him from behind, wrapping your arms around his waist and resting your head on his back. "Stop acting so sweet I might just get diabetes"

Satoru let out a laugh and turned to you and cupped your cheeks, "That would be your problem, wouldn't it?"

"And the cause would be you" He leaned to you and kissed your lips. He would kiss you every time you would get close to each other, so you saw that coming and kissed him back within a second. His hands moved behind your head, pulling you even closer and deepening the kiss.

You had missed this so much. After a stressful day, this was all you needed. Both of yours lips move in sync, making the kiss passionate and full of love. After a few moments, you pull back and look at his face which put a smile on your face immediately.

"Now if there's anything more you want to do, I'm all yours or stop distracting me."

"Mmm I'll be going, for now. Good luck with the dinner."

Words Count: 800 words

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